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# NOTE(awiddersheim): Gather facts for all hosts as a
# first step since several plays below require them when
# building their configurations. The below 'gather_facts'
# set to 'false' is a bit confusing but this is to avoid
# Ansible gathering facts twice.
- name: Gather facts for all hosts
  hosts: all
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
  gather_facts: false
    - setup:
# NOTE(pbourke): This case covers deploying subsets of hosts using --limit. The
# limit arg will cause the first play to gather facts only about that node,
# meaning facts such as IP addresses for rabbitmq nodes etc. will be undefined
# in the case of adding a single compute node.
# We don't want to add the delegate parameters to the above play as it will
# result in ((num_nodes-1)^2) number of SSHs when running for all nodes
# which can be very inefficient.
- name: Gather facts for all hosts (if using --limit)
  hosts: all
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
  gather_facts: false
    - setup:
      delegate_facts: True
      delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
      with_items: "{{ groups['all'] }}"
        - (ansible_play_batch | length) != (groups['all'] | length)
  tags: always
- name: Detect openstack_release variable
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Get current kolla-ansible version number
      local_action: command python -c "import pbr.version; print(pbr.version.VersionInfo('kolla-ansible'))"
      register: kolla_ansible_version
      changed_when: false
      when: openstack_release == "auto"

    - name: Set openstack_release variable
        openstack_release: "{{ kolla_ansible_version.stdout }}"
      when: openstack_release == "auto"
- name: Apply role prechecks
  gather_facts: false
    - all
    - role: prechecks
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
      when: kolla_action == "precheck"
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
- name: Apply role chrony
  gather_facts: false
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
    - chrony-server
    - chrony
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
    - { role: chrony,
        tags: chrony,
        when: enable_chrony | bool }

- name: Apply role haproxy
  gather_facts: false
    - haproxy
    - { role: haproxy,
        tags: haproxy,
        when: enable_haproxy | bool }
    - block:
        - include_role:
            role: aodh
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: aodh
          when: enable_aodh | bool
        - include_role:
            role: barbican
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: barbican
          when: enable_barbican | bool
        - include_role:
            role: blazar
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: blazar
          when: enable_blazar | bool
        - include_role:
            role: ceph
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: ceph
          when: enable_ceph | bool
        - include_role:
            role: cinder
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: cinder
          when: enable_cinder | bool
        - include_role:
            role: cloudkitty
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: cloudkitty
          when: enable_cloudkitty | bool
        - include_role:
            role: congress
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: congress
          when: enable_congress | bool
        - include_role:
            role: designate
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: designate
          when: enable_designate | bool
        - include_role:
            role: elasticsearch
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: elasticsearch
          when: enable_elasticsearch | bool
        - include_role:
            role: freezer
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: freezer
          when: enable_freezer | bool
        - include_role:
            role: glance
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: glance
          when: enable_glance | bool
        - include_role:
            role: gnocchi
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: gnocchi
          when: enable_gnocchi | bool
        - include_role:
            role: grafana
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: grafana
          when: enable_grafana | bool
        - include_role:
            role: heat
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: heat
          when: enable_heat | bool
        - include_role:
            role: horizon
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: horizon
          when: enable_horizon | bool
        - include_role:
            role: influxdb
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: influxdb
          when: enable_influxdb | bool
        - include_role:
            role: ironic
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: ironic
          when: enable_ironic | bool
        - include_role:
            role: karbor
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: karbor
          when: enable_karbor | bool
        - include_role:
            role: keystone
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: keystone
          when: enable_keystone | bool
        - include_role:
            role: kibana
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: kibana
          when: enable_kibana | bool
        - include_role:
            role: magnum
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: magnum
          when: enable_magnum | bool
        - include_role:
            role: manila
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: manila
          when: enable_manila | bool
        - include_role:
            role: mariadb
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: mariadb
          when: enable_mariadb | bool
        - include_role:
            role: memcached
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: memcached
          when: enable_memcached | bool
        - include_role:
            role: mistral
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: mistral
          when: enable_mistral | bool
        - include_role:
            role: monasca
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: monasca
          when: enable_monasca | bool
        - include_role:
            role: mongodb
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: mongodb
          when: enable_mongodb | bool
        - include_role:
            role: murano
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: murano
          when: enable_murano | bool
        - include_role:
            role: neutron
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: neutron
          when: enable_neutron | bool
        - include_role:
            role: nova
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: nova
          when: enable_nova | bool
        - include_role:
            role: octavia
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: octavia
          when: enable_octavia | bool
        - include_role:
            role: opendaylight
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: opendaylight
          when: enable_opendaylight | bool
        - include_role:
            role: panko
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: panko
          when: enable_panko | bool
        - include_role:
            role: prometheus
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: prometheus
          when: enable_prometheus | bool
        - include_role:
            role: rabbitmq
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: rabbitmq
          when: enable_rabbitmq | bool or enable_outward_rabbitmq | bool
        - include_role:
            role: sahara
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: sahara
          when: enable_sahara | bool
        - include_role:
            role: searchlight
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: searchlight
          when: enable_searchlight | bool
        - include_role:
            role: senlin
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: senlin
          when: enable_senlin | bool
        - include_role:
            role: skydive
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: skydive
          when: enable_skydive | bool
        - include_role:
            role: solum
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: solum
          when: enable_solum | bool
        - include_role:
            role: swift
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: swift
          when: enable_swift | bool
        - include_role:
            role: tacker
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: tacker
          when: enable_tacker | bool
        - include_role:
            role: trove
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: trove
          when: enable_trove | bool
        - include_role:
            role: vitrage
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: vitrage
          when: enable_vitrage | bool
        - include_role:
            role: watcher
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: watcher
          when: enable_watcher | bool
        - include_role:
            role: zun
            tasks_from: loadbalancer
          tags: zun
          when: enable_zun | bool
        - enable_haproxy | bool
        - kolla_action in ['deploy', 'reconfigure', 'upgrade', 'config']

- name: Apply role collectd
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: collectd
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: collectd,
        tags: collectd,
        when: enable_collectd | bool }

- name: Apply role zookeeper
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: zookeeper
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: zookeeper,
        tags: zookeeper,
        when: enable_zookeeper | bool }

- name: Apply role elasticsearch
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: elasticsearch
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: elasticsearch,
        tags: elasticsearch,
        when: enable_elasticsearch | bool }
- name: Apply role influxdb
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: influxdb
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Mathias Ewald's avatar
Mathias Ewald committed
    - { role: influxdb,
        tags: influxdb,
        when: enable_influxdb | bool }

- name: Apply role telegraf
  gather_facts: false
Mathias Ewald's avatar
Mathias Ewald committed
    - telegraf
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Mathias Ewald's avatar
Mathias Ewald committed
    - { role: telegraf,
        tags: telegraf,
        when: enable_telegraf | bool }

Mathias Ewald's avatar
Mathias Ewald committed
- name: Apply role redis
  gather_facts: false
    - redis
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Mathias Ewald's avatar
Mathias Ewald committed
    - { role: redis,
        tags: redis,
        when: enable_redis | bool }

- name: Apply role kibana
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: kibana
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: kibana,
        tags: kibana,
- name: Apply role mariadb
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: mariadb
    - { role: mariadb,
        tags: mariadb,
        when: enable_mariadb | bool }

- name: Apply role memcached
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: memcached
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - { role: memcached,
        tags: [memcache, memcached],
        when: enable_memcached | bool }
- name: Apply role prometheus
  gather_facts: false
    - prometheus
    - prometheus-node-exporter
    - prometheus-mysqld-exporter
    - prometheus-haproxy-exporter
    - prometheus-cadvisor
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: prometheus,
        tags: prometheus,
        when: enable_prometheus | bool }

- name: Apply role iscsi
  gather_facts: false
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
        when: enable_iscsid | bool }
- name: Apply role multipathd
  gather_facts: false
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: multipathd,
        tags: multipathd,
        when: enable_multipathd | bool }

- name: Apply role rabbitmq
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: rabbitmq
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - { role: rabbitmq,
        tags: rabbitmq,
        role_rabbitmq_cluster_cookie: '{{ rabbitmq_cluster_cookie }}',
        role_rabbitmq_cluster_port: '{{ rabbitmq_cluster_port }}',
        role_rabbitmq_epmd_port: '{{ rabbitmq_epmd_port }}',
        role_rabbitmq_groups: rabbitmq,
        role_rabbitmq_management_port: '{{ rabbitmq_management_port }}',
        role_rabbitmq_monitoring_password: '{{ rabbitmq_monitoring_password }}',
        role_rabbitmq_monitoring_user: '{{ rabbitmq_monitoring_user }}',
        role_rabbitmq_password: '{{ rabbitmq_password }}',
        role_rabbitmq_port: '{{ rabbitmq_port }}',
        role_rabbitmq_user: '{{ rabbitmq_user }}',
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
        when: enable_rabbitmq | bool }
- name: Apply role rabbitmq (outward)
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: outward-rabbitmq
    - { role: rabbitmq,
        tags: rabbitmq,
        project_name: outward_rabbitmq,
        role_rabbitmq_cluster_cookie: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_cluster_cookie }}',
        role_rabbitmq_cluster_port: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_cluster_port }}',
        role_rabbitmq_epmd_port: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_epmd_port }}',
        role_rabbitmq_groups: outward-rabbitmq,
        role_rabbitmq_management_port: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_management_port }}',
        role_rabbitmq_password: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_password }}',
        role_rabbitmq_port: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_port }}',
        role_rabbitmq_user: '{{ outward_rabbitmq_user }}',
        when: enable_outward_rabbitmq | bool }

- name: Apply role qdrouterd
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: qdrouterd
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: qdrouterd,
        tags: qdrouterd,
        when: enable_qdrouterd | bool }

- name: Apply role etcd
  gather_facts: false
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Hui Kang's avatar
Hui Kang committed
    - { role: etcd,
        tags: etcd,
        when: enable_etcd | bool }

- name: Apply role keystone
  gather_facts: false
caowei's avatar
caowei committed
  hosts: keystone
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Fang Fenghua's avatar
Fang Fenghua committed
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - { role: keystone,
        tags: keystone,
        when: enable_keystone | bool }
junbo's avatar
junbo committed
- name: Apply role ceph
  gather_facts: false
junbo's avatar
junbo committed
    - ceph-mds
    - ceph-mgr
junbo's avatar
junbo committed
    - ceph-mon
junbo's avatar
junbo committed
    - ceph-osd
    - ceph-rgw
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
junbo's avatar
junbo committed
    - { role: ceph,
        tags: ceph,
        when: enable_ceph | bool }

- name: Apply role kafka
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: kafka
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: kafka,
        tags: kafka,
        when: enable_kafka | bool }

- name: Apply role storm
  hosts: storm
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: storm,
        tags: storm,
        when: enable_storm | bool }

caowei's avatar
caowei committed
- name: Apply role karbor
  gather_facts: false
caowei's avatar
caowei committed
  hosts: karbor
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
caowei's avatar
caowei committed
    - { role: karbor,
        tags: karbor,
        when: enable_karbor | bool }

- name: Apply role swift
  gather_facts: false
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - swift-account-server
    - swift-container-server
    - swift-object-server
    - swift-proxy-server
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - { role: swift,
        tags: swift,
        when: enable_swift | bool }
- name: Apply role glance
  gather_facts: false
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - ceph-mon
    - glance-api
    - glance-registry
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - { role: glance,
        tags: glance,
        when: enable_glance | bool }
- name: Apply role ironic
  gather_facts: false
    - ironic-api
    - ironic-conductor
    - ironic-inspector
    - ironic-pxe
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: ironic,
        tags: ironic,
        when: enable_ironic | bool }

- name: Apply role cinder
  gather_facts: false
    - ceph-mon
    - cinder-api
    - cinder-backup
    - cinder-scheduler
    - cinder-volume
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: cinder,
        tags: cinder,
        when: enable_cinder | bool }

- name: Apply role nova
  gather_facts: false
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - ceph-mon
    - compute
    - nova-api
    - nova-conductor
    - nova-consoleauth
    - nova-novncproxy
    - nova-scheduler
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - { role: nova,
        tags: nova,
        when: enable_nova | bool }
- name: Apply role opendaylight
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: opendaylight
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: opendaylight,
        tags: opendaylight,
        when: enable_opendaylight | bool }

- name: Apply role openvswitch
  gather_facts: false
    - openvswitch
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: openvswitch,
        tags: openvswitch,
        when: "(enable_openvswitch | bool) and not (enable_ovs_dpdk | bool)"}

- name: Apply role ovs-dpdk
  gather_facts: false
    - openvswitch
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: ovs-dpdk,
        tags: ovs-dpdk,
        when: "(enable_openvswitch | bool) and (enable_ovs_dpdk | bool)"}
- name: Apply role nova-hyperv
Dan Ardelean's avatar
Dan Ardelean committed
  gather_facts: false
    - hyperv
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Dan Ardelean's avatar
Dan Ardelean committed
    - { role: nova-hyperv,
        tags: nova-hyperv,
        when: enable_hyperv | bool }

# NOTE(gmmaha): Please do not change the order listed here. The current order is a
# workaround to fix the bug
- name: Apply role neutron
  gather_facts: false
    - neutron-server
    - neutron-dhcp-agent
    - neutron-l3-agent
    - neutron-lbaas-agent
    - ironic-neutron-agent
    - neutron-metadata-agent
    - compute
    - manila-share
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - { role: neutron,
        tags: neutron,
        when: enable_neutron | bool }
- name: Apply role kuryr
  gather_facts: false
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: kuryr,
        tags: kuryr,
        when: enable_kuryr | bool }

- name: Apply role heat
  gather_facts: false
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - heat-api
    - heat-api-cfn
    - heat-engine
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - { role: heat,
        tags: heat,
        when: enable_heat | bool }
- name: Apply role horizon
  gather_facts: false
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - { role: horizon,
        tags: horizon,
        when: enable_horizon | bool }
- name: Apply role murano
  gather_facts: false
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - murano-api
    - murano-engine
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Sam Yaple's avatar
Sam Yaple committed
    - { role: murano,
        tags: murano,
        when: enable_murano | bool }
- name: Apply role solum
  gather_facts: false
caowei's avatar
caowei committed
    - solum-api
    - solum-worker
    - solum-deployer
    - solum-conductor
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
caowei's avatar
caowei committed
    - { role: solum,
        tags: solum,
        when: enable_solum | bool }

- name: Apply role magnum
  gather_facts: false
    - magnum-api
    - magnum-conductor
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: magnum,
        tags: magnum,
        when: enable_magnum | bool }
- name: Apply role mistral
  gather_facts: false
    - mistral-api
    - mistral-engine
    - mistral-executor
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: mistral,
        tags: mistral,
        when: enable_mistral | bool }
- name: Apply role sahara
  gather_facts: false
zhubingbing's avatar
zhubingbing committed
    - sahara-api
    - sahara-engine
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
zhubingbing's avatar
zhubingbing committed
    - { role: sahara,
        tags: sahara,
        when: enable_sahara | bool }

- name: Apply role mongodb
  gather_facts: false
    - mongodb
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: mongodb,
        tags: mongodb,
        when: enable_mongodb | bool }
- name: Apply role panko
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: panko-api
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: panko,
        tags: panko,
        when: enable_panko | bool }

- name: Apply role manila
  gather_facts: false
    - manila-api
Mauricio Lima's avatar
Mauricio Lima committed
    - manila-data
    - manila-share
    - manila-scheduler
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: manila,
        tags: manila,
        when: enable_manila | bool }
- name: Apply role gnocchi
  gather_facts: false
zhubingbing's avatar
zhubingbing committed
    - gnocchi-api
    - gnocchi-metricd
    - gnocchi-statsd
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
zhubingbing's avatar
zhubingbing committed
    - { role: gnocchi,
        tags: gnocchi,
        when: enable_gnocchi | bool }

- name: Apply role ceilometer
  gather_facts: false
    - "roles/panko/defaults/main.yml"
    - ceilometer-central
    - ceilometer-notification
    - ceilometer-compute
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: ceilometer,
        tags: ceilometer,
        when: enable_ceilometer | bool }
- name: Apply role monasca
  gather_facts: false
  hosts: monasca
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: monasca,
        tags: monasca,
        when: enable_monasca | bool }

- name: Apply role aodh
  gather_facts: false
    - aodh-api
    - aodh-evaluator
    - aodh-listener
    - aodh-notifier
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
zhubingbing's avatar
zhubingbing committed
    - { role: aodh,
        tags: aodh,
        when: enable_aodh | bool }

- name: Apply role barbican
  gather_facts: false
zhubingbing's avatar
zhubingbing committed
    - barbican-api
    - barbican-keystone-listener
    - barbican-worker
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
zhubingbing's avatar
zhubingbing committed
    - { role: barbican,
        tags: barbican,
        when: enable_barbican | bool }

- name: Apply role congress
  gather_facts: false
    - congress-api
    - congress-policy-engine
    - congress-datasource
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: congress,
        tags: congress,
        when: enable_congress | bool }

- name: Apply role tempest
  gather_facts: false
    - tempest
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: tempest,
        tags: tempest,
        when: enable_tempest | bool }
- name: Apply role designate
  gather_facts: false
    - designate-api
    - designate-central
    - designate-producer
    - designate-mdns
    - designate-worker
    - designate-sink
    - designate-backend-bind9
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: designate,
        tags: designate,
        when: enable_designate | bool }

- name: Apply role rally
  gather_facts: false
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: rally,
        tags: rally,
        when: enable_rally | bool }

- name: Apply role vmtp
  gather_facts: false
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: vmtp,
        tags: vmtp,
        when: enable_vmtp | bool }

- name: Apply role trove
  gather_facts: false
zhubingbing's avatar
zhubingbing committed
    - trove-api
    - trove-conductor
    - trove-taskmanager
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
zhubingbing's avatar
zhubingbing committed
    - { role: trove,
        tags: trove,
        when: enable_trove | bool }

- name: Apply role watcher
  gather_facts: false
    - watcher-api
    - watcher-engine
    - watcher-applier
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: watcher,
        tags: watcher,
        when: enable_watcher | bool }
- name: Apply role grafana
  gather_facts: false
Mathias Ewald's avatar
Mathias Ewald committed
    - grafana
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
Mathias Ewald's avatar
Mathias Ewald committed
    - { role: grafana,
        tags: grafana,
        when: enable_grafana | bool }

- name: Apply role cloudkitty
  gather_facts: false
    - cloudkitty-api
    - cloudkitty-processor
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: cloudkitty,
        tags: cloudkitty,
        when: enable_cloudkitty | bool }
caowei's avatar
caowei committed
- name: Apply role freezer
  gather_facts: false
caowei's avatar
caowei committed
    - freezer-api
    - freezer-scheduler
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
caowei's avatar
caowei committed
    - { role: freezer,
        tags: freezer,
        when: enable_freezer | bool }

- name: Apply role senlin
  gather_facts: false
    - senlin-api
    - senlin-engine
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: senlin,
        tags: senlin,
        when: enable_senlin | bool }
- name: Apply role searchlight
  gather_facts: false
    - searchlight-api
    - searchlight-listener
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: searchlight,
        tags: searchlight,
        when: enable_searchlight | bool }
- name: Apply role tacker
  gather_facts: false
    - tacker-server
    - tacker-conductor
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
    - { role: tacker,
        tags: tacker,
        when: enable_tacker | bool }

- name: Apply role octavia
  gather_facts: false
    - octavia-api
    - octavia-health-manager
    - octavia-housekeeping
    - octavia-worker
Jeffrey Zhang's avatar
Jeffrey Zhang committed
  serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'