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  • very-demiurge-very-mindful/kolla-ansible
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Commits on Source (38)
with 126 additions and 65 deletions
......@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
......@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ external_api_firewalld_zone: "public"
# OpenStack options
openstack_release: "master"
openstack_release: "2024.2"
# Docker image tag used by default.
openstack_tag: "{{ openstack_release }}-{{ kolla_base_distro }}-{{ kolla_base_distro_version }}{{ openstack_tag_suffix }}"
openstack_tag_suffix: ""
......@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ openstack_logging_debug: "False"
openstack_region_name: "RegionOne"
# Variable defined the pin_release_version, apply for rolling upgrade process
openstack_previous_release_name: "2023.2"
openstack_previous_release_name: "2024.1"
# A list of policy file formats that are supported by Oslo.policy
......@@ -50,6 +50,15 @@
group: "{{ ansible_facts.user_gid }}"
mode: 0600
- name: Template out
become: true
src: "roles/common/templates/"
dest: "{{ node_config }}/"
owner: "{{ ansible_facts.user_uid }}"
group: "{{ ansible_facts.user_gid }}"
mode: 0600
- import_role:
name: octavia
tasks_from: openrc.yml
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
@type multiline
format_firstline /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3} \d+ \S+ \S+ \[.*\]/
format1 /^(?<Timestamp>\S+ \S+) (?<Pid>\d+) (?<log_level>\S+) (?<python_module>\S+) \[(\S+ req-)?((?<request_id>\S+) (?<user_id>\S+) (?<tenant_id>\S+) (?<domain_id>\S+) (?<system_scope>\S+) (?<user_domain>\S+) (?<project_domain>\S+)|-)\] (?<Payload>.*)?$/
format1 /^(?<Timestamp>\S+ \S+) (?<Pid>\d+) (?<log_level>\S+) (?<python_module>\S+) ((?:\[)(?:None|req-)(?<global_request_id>\S+)? (?:None|req-)(?<request_id>\S+) (?<user_id>\S+) (?<tenant_id>\S+) (?<domain_id>\S+) (?<system_scope>\S+) (?<user_domain>\S+) (?<project_domain>\S+)(?:\]))?(?<Payload>.*)?$/
time_key Timestamp
keep_time_key true
time_format %F %T.%L
# {{ ansible_managed }}
# Clear any old environment that may conflict.
for key in $( set | awk '{FS="="} /^OS_/ {print $1}' ); do unset $key ; done
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
export OS_SYSTEM_SCOPE=all
export OS_USERNAME={{ keystone_admin_user }}
export OS_PASSWORD={{ keystone_admin_password }}
export OS_AUTH_URL={{ keystone_public_url }}
export OS_REGION_NAME={{ openstack_region_name }}
export OS_AUTH_PLUGIN=password
{% if kolla_admin_openrc_cacert is not none and kolla_admin_openrc_cacert | length > 0 %}
export OS_CACERT={{ kolla_admin_openrc_cacert }}
{% endif %}
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
kolla_dev_repos_directory: "{{ kolla_dev_repos_directory }}"
opensearch_datadir_volume: "{{ opensearch_datadir_volume }}"
destroy_include_dev: "{{ destroy_include_dev }}"
kolla_ansible_inventories: "{{ inventories_comma_separated.replace(',',' ') }}"
kolla_ansible_inventories: "{{ ansible_inventory_sources | join(' ') }}"
- block:
- name: Disable octavia-interface service
......@@ -110,7 +110,9 @@
state: absent
path: "{{ node_config_directory }}/grafana/dashboards/"
when: service | service_enabled_and_mapped_to_host
- not ansible_check_mode
- service | service_enabled_and_mapped_to_host
- name: Copying over custom dashboards
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
retries: 30
delay: 2
run_once: true
when: not ansible_check_mode
- name: Remove old grafana docker volume
become: true
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ heat_engine_extra_volumes: "{{ heat_extra_volumes }}"
heat_internal_endpoint: "{{ heat_internal_base_endpoint }}/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
heat_public_endpoint: "{{ heat_public_base_endpoint }}/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
heat_cfn_internal_endpoint: "{{ heat_cfn_internal_base_endpoint }}/v1}"
heat_cfn_internal_endpoint: "{{ heat_cfn_internal_base_endpoint }}/v1"
heat_cfn_public_endpoint: "{{ heat_cfn_public_base_endpoint }}/v1"
heat_logging_debug: "{{ openstack_logging_debug }}"
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ ironic_conductor_default_volumes:
- "kolla_logs:/var/log/kolla"
- "ironic:/var/lib/ironic"
- "{{ kolla_dev_repos_directory ~ '/ironic:/dev-mode/ironic' if ironic_dev_mode | bool else '' }}"
- "{{ 'ironic_prometheus_exporter_data:/var/lib/ironic/metrics' if enable_ironic_prometheus_exporter | bool else '' }}"
- "{{ 'ironic_prometheus_exporter_data:/var/lib/ironic-metrics' if enable_ironic_prometheus_exporter | bool else '' }}"
- "{{ node_config_directory }}/ironic-tftp/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ ironic_prometheus_exporter_default_volumes:
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
- "{{ '/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro' if ansible_facts.os_family == 'Debian' else '' }}"
- "kolla_logs:/var/log/kolla"
- "ironic_prometheus_exporter_data:/var/lib/ironic/metrics"
- "ironic_prometheus_exporter_data:/var/lib/ironic-metrics"
ironic_extra_volumes: "{{ default_extra_volumes }}"
ironic_api_extra_volumes: "{{ ironic_extra_volumes }}"
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
- ironic_api
- ironic_inspector
- ironic_http
- ironic_prometheus_exporter
check_mode: false
register: container_facts
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ driver = prometheus_exporter
driver = noop
{% endif %}
{% if enable_ironic_prometheus_exporter | bool %}
location = /var/lib/ironic/metrics
location = /var/lib/ironic-metrics
{% endif %}
......@@ -51,3 +51,4 @@
cacert: "{{ openstack_cacert }}"
region_name: "{{ openstack_region_name }}"
run_once: True
when: not ansible_check_mode
......@@ -154,5 +154,5 @@ connection_string = {{ osprofiler_backend_connection_string }}
{% if magnum_kubeconfig_file_path is not defined %}
disabled_drivers = k8s_cluster_api_flatcar,k8s_cluster_api_ubuntu,k8s_cluster_api_ubuntu_focal
disabled_drivers = k8s_cluster_api_flatcar,k8s_cluster_api_rockylinux,k8s_cluster_api_ubuntu,k8s_cluster_api_ubuntu_focal
{% endif %}
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
- name: Extract cinder key from file
"{{ lookup('file', cinder_cephx_keyring_file.stat.path) | regex_search('key\\s*=.*$', multiline=True) | regex_replace('key\\s*=\\s*(.*)\\s*', '\\1') }}"
"{{ lookup('template', cinder_cephx_keyring_file.stat.path) | regex_search('key\\s*=.*$', multiline=True) | regex_replace('key\\s*=\\s*(.*)\\s*', '\\1') }}"
changed_when: false
- cinder_backend_ceph | bool
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
retries: 30
delay: 2
run_once: true
when: not ansible_check_mode
- name: Check if a log retention policy exists
become: true
......@@ -46,7 +47,9 @@
delegate_to: "{{ groups['opensearch'][0] }}"
run_once: true
changed_when: opensearch_retention_policy_create.status == 201
when: opensearch_retention_policy_check.status == 404
- not ansible_check_mode
- opensearch_retention_policy_check.status == 404
- name: Apply retention policy to existing indices
become: true
......@@ -66,4 +69,6 @@
delegate_to: "{{ groups['opensearch'][0] }}"
run_once: true
changed_when: opensearch_retention_policy_create.status == 201
when: opensearch_retention_policy_check.status == 404
- not ansible_check_mode
- opensearch_retention_policy_check.status == 404
- import_tasks: version-check.yml
- include_tasks: remove-ha-all-policy.yml
- not om_enable_rabbitmq_high_availability | bool
- block:
- name: Get current RabbitMQ version
service_name: "rabbitmq"
service: "{{ rabbitmq_services[service_name] }}"
- name: Get container facts
become: true
command: "{{ kolla_container_engine }} exec {{ service.container_name }} rabbitmqctl --version"
register: rabbitmq_version_current
changed_when: false
action: get_containers
container_engine: "{{ kolla_container_engine }}"
- "{{ service.container_name }}"
register: container_facts
- name: Get new RabbitMQ version
become: true
rabbitmq_container: "{{ rabbitmq_services['rabbitmq'] }}"
action: "start_container"
command: "rabbitmqctl --version"
detach: false
KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}"
image: "{{ rabbitmq_container.image }}"
name: "rabbitmq_version_check"
restart_policy: oneshot
volumes: "{{ rabbitmq_default_volumes + rabbitmq_extra_volumes }}"
register: rabbitmq_version_new
failed_when: false
check_mode: false
- block:
- name: Get current RabbitMQ version
become: true
command: "{{ kolla_container_engine }} exec {{ service.container_name }} rabbitmqctl --version"
register: rabbitmq_version_current
changed_when: false
- name: Get new RabbitMQ version
become: true
rabbitmq_container: "{{ rabbitmq_services['rabbitmq'] }}"
action: "start_container"
command: "rabbitmqctl --version"
common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
container_engine: "{{ kolla_container_engine }}"
detach: false
KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}"
image: "{{ rabbitmq_container.image }}"
name: "rabbitmq_version_check"
restart_policy: oneshot
volumes: "{{ rabbitmq_default_volumes + rabbitmq_extra_volumes }}"
register: rabbitmq_version_new
failed_when: false
check_mode: false
# As an example, when the new RabbitMQ version is 3.13.6:
# new_major_version = 3
# new_minor_version = 13
# new_version = 3.13
# And if the current RabbitMQ version is 3.11.28:
# upgrade_version = 3.12
- name: Check if running RabbitMQ is at most one version behind
current_version_major: "{{ rabbitmq_version_current.stdout | regex_search('^[0-9]+') }}"
current_version_minor: "{{ rabbitmq_version_current.stdout | regex_search('(?<=.)[^.].') }}"
current_version: "{{ rabbitmq_version_current.stdout | regex_replace('.[^.]+$', '') }}"
new_version_major: "{{ rabbitmq_version_new.stdout | regex_search('^[0-9]+') }}"
new_version_minor: "{{ rabbitmq_version_new.stdout | regex_search('(?<=.)[^.].') }}"
new_version: "{{ rabbitmq_version_new.stdout | regex_replace('.[^.]+$', '') }}"
# Note: this assumes 3.13 will be the last release before 4.0.
upgrade_version: "{{ '4.0' if current_version == '3.13' else current_version_major + '.' + (current_version_minor | int + 1) | string }}"
that: (current_version_major == new_version_major and
new_version_minor | int - current_version_minor | int <= 1) or
(new_version | float == 4.0 and current_version | float == 3.13)
fail_msg: >
Looks like you're trying to run a skip-release upgrade!
RabbitMQ must be at most one version behind the target release version ({{ rabbitmq_version_new.stdout | trim }}) to run this upgrade.
You are running {{ rabbitmq_version_current.stdout }}.
Please first upgrade to {{ upgrade_version }} with the command ``kolla-ansible rabbitmq-upgrade {{ upgrade_version }}``.
See these docs for more details:
- name: Catch when RabbitMQ is being downgraded
that: rabbitmq_version_current.stdout is version(rabbitmq_version_new.stdout | trim, 'le', version_type='semver')
fail_msg: >
Looks like you're about to downgrade RabbitMQ from version {{ rabbitmq_version_current.stdout }} to version {{ rabbitmq_version_new.stdout | trim }}.
If you're absolutely certain you want to do this, please skip the tag `rabbitmq-version-check`.
Otherwise, see these docs for how to pin the version of RabbitMQ:
# As an example, when the new RabbitMQ version is 3.13.6:
# new_major_version = 3
# new_minor_version = 13
# new_version = 3.13
# And if the current RabbitMQ version is 3.11.28:
# upgrade_version = 3.12
- name: Check if running RabbitMQ is at most one version behind
current_version_major: "{{ rabbitmq_version_current.stdout | regex_search('^[0-9]+') }}"
current_version_minor: "{{ rabbitmq_version_current.stdout | regex_search('(?<=.)[^.].') }}"
current_version: "{{ rabbitmq_version_current.stdout | regex_replace('.[^.]+$', '') }}"
new_version_major: "{{ rabbitmq_version_new.stdout | regex_search('^[0-9]+') }}"
new_version_minor: "{{ rabbitmq_version_new.stdout | regex_search('(?<=.)[^.].') }}"
new_version: "{{ rabbitmq_version_new.stdout | regex_replace('.[^.]+$', '') }}"
# Note: this assumes 3.13 will be the last release before 4.0.
upgrade_version: "{{ '4.0' if current_version == '3.13' else current_version_major + '.' + (current_version_minor | int + 1) | string }}"
that: (current_version_major == new_version_major and
new_version_minor | int - current_version_minor | int <= 1) or
(new_version | float == 4.0 and current_version | float == 3.13)
fail_msg: >
Looks like you're trying to run a skip-release upgrade!
RabbitMQ must be at most one version behind the target release version ({{ rabbitmq_version_new.stdout | trim }}) to run this upgrade.
You are running {{ rabbitmq_version_current.stdout }}.
Please first upgrade to {{ upgrade_version }} with the command ``kolla-ansible rabbitmq-upgrade {{ upgrade_version }}``.
See these docs for more details:
when: container_facts[service.container_name] is defined
delegate_to: "{{ groups[role_rabbitmq_groups] | first }}"
run_once: true
tags: rabbitmq-version-check
service_name: "rabbitmq"
service: "{{ rabbitmq_services[service_name] }}"
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ workaround_ansible_issue_8743: yes
#kolla_base_distro: "rocky"
# Do not override this unless you know what you are doing.
#openstack_release: "master"
#openstack_release: "2024.2"
# Docker image tag used by default.
#openstack_tag: "{{ openstack_release ~ openstack_tag_suffix }}"
......@@ -201,7 +201,8 @@ class OctaviaCertificates(KollaAnsibleMixin, Command):
def take_action(self, parsed_args):
extra_vars = {}
if hasattr(parsed_args, "check_expiry"):
if hasattr(parsed_args, "check_expiry") \
and parsed_args.check_expiry is not None:"Checking if certificates expire "
"within given number of days.")
extra_vars["octavia_certs_check_expiry"] = "yes"