Mark Goddard authored
This allows us to continue execution until a certain proportion of hosts fail. This can be useful at scale, where failures are common, and restarting a deployment is time-consuming. The default max failure percentage is 100, keeping the default behaviour. A global max failure percentage may be set via kayobe_max_fail_percentage, and individual playbooks may define a max failure percentage via <playbook>_max_fail_percentage. Related Kolla Ansible patch: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/805598 Change-Id: Ib81c72b63be5765cca664c38141ffc769640cf07
Mark Goddard authoredThis allows us to continue execution until a certain proportion of hosts fail. This can be useful at scale, where failures are common, and restarting a deployment is time-consuming. The default max failure percentage is 100, keeping the default behaviour. A global max failure percentage may be set via kayobe_max_fail_percentage, and individual playbooks may define a max failure percentage via <playbook>_max_fail_percentage. Related Kolla Ansible patch: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/805598 Change-Id: Ib81c72b63be5765cca664c38141ffc769640cf07
network-connectivity.yml 2.95 KiB
- name: Check network connectivity between hosts
hosts: seed:seed-hypervisor:overcloud:infra-vms
max_fail_percentage: >-
{{ network_connectivity_max_fail_percentage |
default(kayobe_max_fail_percentage) |
default(100) }}
# Set this to an external IP address to check.
# Set this to an external hostname to check.
nc_external_hostname: google.com
# Number of bytes to subtract from MTU to allow for ICMP (8 bytes) and IP
# (20 bytes) headers.
icmp_overhead_bytes: 28
- name: Display next action
msg: >
Checking whether hosts have access to an external IP address,
{{ nc_external_ip }}.
run_once: True
- name: Ensure an external IP is reachable
command: ping -c1 {{ nc_external_ip }}
changed_when: False
- name: Display next action
msg: >
Checking whether hosts have access to an external hostname,
{{ nc_external_hostname }}.
run_once: True
- name: Ensure an external host is reachable
command: ping -c1 {{ nc_external_hostname }}
changed_when: False
- name: Display next action
msg: >
Checking whether hosts have access to any configured gateways.
run_once: True
- name: Ensure the gateway is reachable
command: >
ping {{ item | net_gateway }} -c1 -M do {% if mtu %} -s {{ mtu | int - icmp_overhead_bytes }}{% endif %}
with_items: "{{ network_interfaces }}"
- item | net_ip
- item | net_gateway
changed_when: False
mtu: "{{ item | net_mtu }}"
# For each network on this host, pick a random remote host also on the
# network and try to ping it. Set the packet size according to the
# network's MTU.
- name: Display next action
msg: >
Checking whether hosts have access to other hosts on the same
run_once: True
- name: Ensure hosts on the same network are reachable
command: >
ping {{ remote_ip }} -c1 -M do {% if mtu %} -s {{ mtu | int - icmp_overhead_bytes }}{% endif %}
with_items: "{{ network_interfaces }}"