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  • Bartosz Bezak's avatar
    Move to Rocky Linux 9 · 2f447f65
    Bartosz Bezak authored
    CentOS Stream 8 support has been dropped. Migration path will be present
    in Yoga release - as a followup change.
    MichaelRigart.interfaces does not support custom routes for
    NetworkManager yet. It has been disabled in CI for Rocky Linux 9
    Non-voting CentOS Stream 9 CI overcloud job is using RL9 container
    images (as kolla CI is not building CS9 images anymore).
    Change-Id: Idf5ee822b03ba40179803c981500a6bad37594bf
    Move to Rocky Linux 9
    Bartosz Bezak authored
    CentOS Stream 8 support has been dropped. Migration path will be present
    in Yoga release - as a followup change.
    MichaelRigart.interfaces does not support custom routes for
    NetworkManager yet. It has been disabled in CI for Rocky Linux 9
    Non-voting CentOS Stream 9 CI overcloud job is using RL9 container
    images (as kolla CI is not building CS9 images anymore).
    Change-Id: Idf5ee822b03ba40179803c981500a6bad37594bf
pre.yml 1.40 KiB
- hosts: primary
    testinfra_venv: ~/testinfra-venv
    - name: Ensure python3 is installed
        name: python3
      become: true

    - name: Ensure testinfra is installed
          - distro
          - pytest-testinfra
          - pytest-html
        virtualenv: "{{ testinfra_venv }}"
        virtualenv_command: python3 -m venv

    # NOTE(mgoddard): Use the name zzz-overrides.yml to ensure this takes
    # precedence over the standard config files and zz-overrides.yml from
    # kayobe-overcloud-base.
    - name: Ensure kayobe-config override config file exists
        src: overrides.yml.j2
        dest: "{{ kayobe_config_src_dir }}/etc/kayobe/zzz-overrides.yml"

    # NOTE(mgoddard): Create two loopback devices backed by files. These will
    # be added to a software RAID volume, then added to an LVM volume group.
    - name: Ensure a docker storage backing file exists
      command: truncate -s 2G /tmp/docker-storage{{ item }}
      loop: [0, 1]

    - name: Ensure the docker storage loopback device is created
      command: losetup /dev/loop{{ item }} /tmp/docker-storage{{ item }}
      become: true
      loop: [0, 1]

    - name: Ensure dummy network interfaces exist
      command: ip link add dummy{{ item }} type dummy
      become: true
      loop: "{{ range(2, 8) | list }}"
      when: ansible_facts.os_family == 'Debian'