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Commit c113d380 authored by COQUERY EMMANUEL's avatar COQUERY EMMANUEL
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Séance 3/4

parent 4aa59d8d
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......@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
| 13/03 | 8h | CM | [Diapositives](cm/lifpf-cm5.pdf) |
| | 9h45 ou 11h30 | TP | [Sujet](tp/, [corrigé de l'exercice 1](tp/ |
| 20/03 | 8h | TD + QCM | [Sujet](td/lifpf-td5-enonce.pdf), [corrigé](td/lifpf-td5-correction.pdf) |
| | 9h45 ou 11h30 | TP | [Sujet](tp/, corrigés dans la TD/TPs référencés dans le sujet |
| | 9h45 ou 11h30 | TP | [Sujet](tp/, corrigés dans les TD/TPs référencés dans le sujet |
| 27/03 | 9h45 ou 11h15 | TP | [Sujet](tp/ |
| 03/04 | 8h | CM | |
| | 9h45 | TD + Contrôle | |
| 03/04 | 8h | CM | [Diapositives](cm/lifpf-cm6.pdf), [code](cm/ |
| | 9h45 | TD + Contrôle | [Sujet](td/lifpf-td6-enonce.pdf) |
###### Évaluation
- <del>5</del> 4 QCMs + 1 contrôle en TD: 60 %
- 4 QCMs + 1 contrôle en TD: 60 %
- ECA: 40%
Selon l'avancement du cours, il est possible qu'il y ait un TP noté lors de la dernière séance. Dans ce cas, il comptera dans les 60% des QCMs
module AssocList = struct
type key = string
type 'a t = (string * 'a) list
let empty : 'a t = []
let put (k : key) (v : 'a) (a : 'a t) : 'a t = (k, v) :: a
let get : key -> 'a t -> 'a option = List.assoc_opt
let keys (a : 'a t) : key list =
(fun acc (k, v) ->
if List.mem k acc then acc else k :: acc)
[] a
module type SAssoc = sig
type key
type 'a t
val empty : 'a t
val put : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val get : key -> 'a t -> 'a option
val keys : 'a t -> key list
module AssocTreePb : SAssoc = struct
type key = string
type 'a t = Vide | Noeud of (string * 'a * 'a t * 'a t)
let empty = Vide
let rec put k v a =
match a with
| Vide -> Noeud (k, v, Vide, Vide)
| Noeud (k', v', fg, fd) ->
if k = k' then Noeud (k, v, fg, fd)
else if k < k' then Noeud (k', v', put k v fg, fd)
else Noeud (k', v', fg, put k v fd)
let rec get k a =
match a with
| Vide -> None
| Noeud (k', v', fg, fd) ->
if k = k' then Some v'
else if k < k' then get k fg
else get k fd
let rec keys =
let rec aux a ks =
match a with
| Vide -> ks
| Noeud (k, _, fg, fd) -> k :: aux fg (aux fd ks)
fun a -> aux a []
let a = AssocTreePb.put "toto" 3 AssocTreePb.empty
module AssocTree : SAssoc with type key = string = struct
type key = string
type 'a t = Vide | Noeud of (string * 'a * 'a t * 'a t)
let empty = Vide
let rec put k v a =
match a with
| Vide -> Noeud (k, v, Vide, Vide)
| Noeud (k', v', fg, fd) ->
if k = k' then Noeud (k, v, fg, fd)
else if k < k' then Noeud (k', v', put k v fg, fd)
else Noeud (k', v', fg, put k v fd)
let rec get k a =
match a with
| Vide -> None
| Noeud (k', v', fg, fd) ->
if k = k' then Some v'
else if k < k' then get k fg
else get k fd
let rec keys =
let rec aux a ks =
match a with
| Vide -> ks
| Noeud (k, _, fg, fd) -> k :: aux fg (aux fd ks)
fun a -> aux a []
module Assoc : SAssoc with type key = string = AssocList
module Factures = struct
type facture = (int * float) Assoc.t
let ajoute (article : string) (quantite : int) (prix : float)
(f : facture) : facture =
match Assoc.get article f with
| None -> Assoc.put article (quantite, prix) f
| Some (q', _) -> Assoc.put article (quantite + q', prix) f
let string_of_item fact article =
match Assoc.get article fact with
| None -> ""
| Some (qte, px) ->
article ^ "(" ^ string_of_int qte ^ "): "
^ string_of_float px ^ "€"
let string_of_facture (f : facture) : string =
Assoc.keys f
|> (string_of_item f)
|> List.fold_left (fun acc s -> acc ^ "\n" ^ s) ""
module Factures (Assoc : SAssoc with type key = string) = struct
type facture = (int * float) Assoc.t
let ajoute (article : string) (quantite : int) (prix : float)
(f : facture) : facture =
match Assoc.get article f with
| None -> Assoc.put article (quantite, prix) f
| Some (q', _) -> Assoc.put article (quantite + q', prix) f
let string_of_item fact article =
match Assoc.get article fact with
| None -> ""
| Some (qte, px) ->
article ^ "(" ^ string_of_int qte ^ "): "
^ string_of_float px ^ "€"
let string_of_facture (f : facture) : string =
Assoc.keys f
|> (string_of_item f)
|> List.fold_left (fun acc s -> acc ^ "\n" ^ s) ""
module FacturesTree = Factures (AssocTree)
let _ =
(FacturesTree.ajoute "trombones" 100 0.01 AssocTree.empty)
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