#C.I.M.A. :
##About CIMA is a platform project developed by the LIRIS laboratory and students from Claude Bernard university. The project aims to create an interoperability platform to connect all objects and use those with web-apps. It use OM2M eclipse framework.
As OM2M, CIMA is composed of three parts :
- NSCL, the cloud part : This is the part which is in contact with the web-apps which want to use connected object. This part can be deployed out of the CIMA platform.
- GSCL, the object aggregating part : This part collects all the objects which are accessible by the platform.
- Device detection code : This part is added on device if you want your device can be automatically detected.
NOTE : For now CIMA is only Linux compatible
##Vocabulary We need to define some words :
- NSCL : NSCL is the top part of OM2M framework, this is the part which is contacted by clients web-apps to retrieve connected devices infos.
- GSCL : GSCL is the middle part of OM2M framework, this is the part which aggregate connected devices. This part manage connected devices and is in contact with nscl and web-app which want to use a device's capability.
- Capability : a capability is a device basic action, which can not be splitted.
##Install You need to install first mongodb and restheart api : ``bash $ ./INSTALL/install_mongodb.sh $ ./INSTALL/install_restheart.sh
To install CIMA simply use the script `launchCima.sh` with install option:
$ ./launchCima.sh -i
The script need maven 3 and sudo installed to correctly run.
Don't forget to add execute permission with chmod
$ chmod +x launchCima.sh
##Use First you have to launch mongodb and restheart api :
- Mongodb : just execute the script :
$ ./START/start_mongodb.sh
NOTE : You just have to launch mongodb one time. MongoDB has not just one way to start, if it not work, you can try
$ sudo service mongodb start
$ sudo mongod --fork --syslog
It depends of you exploitation system.
- RestHeart API : just execute the script :
$ ./START/start_resthart.sh
NOTE : Resheart need java 8.
Then you can launch CIMA :
- First to launch nscl component :
$ sudo ./launchCima.sh -n
- Then to launch gscl component :
$ sudo ./launchCima.sh -g
Now you can connect on administration interface with url http://localhost:8080/.
##Make an object compatible with the CIMA platform Please read the CIMA robot documentation.
##License See LICENSE.md