For the IA Master's programme, classes and practical work are Thursday afternoons between October to January. For ID3D, there are classes on Tuesday mornings in September, then in October the lecturers are on Thursday afternoons and the TP on Tuesday mornings.
For the IA Master's programme, classes and practical work are Thursday afternoons between October to January. For ID3D, there are classes on Tuesday mornings in September, then in October the lecturers are on Thursday afternoons and the TP on Tuesday mornings.
## Evaluation (Modalités de contrôle des connaissances)

- Partie NB : évaluation du TP
- Partie AM : examen papier et évaluation du TP "génération d'image à partir d'une pose"
- Partie JD : examen papier
## Evaluations
- Part NB : TP evaluation
- Part AM : paper exam + ~ evaluation of the TP (see bellow)
- Part JD : examen papier
### TP PartAM
The TP "Synthesis of the image of a person guided by a posture" is optinal. If you want to be marked, it will count as 50% of your AM grade. If you don't want to be marked, the grade for the AM part will be the exam only. **This TP can be done alone or in pairs.**
**Dealine: Friday 15th November**. You will upload a ZIP file containing all your files in TOMUSS. No report, but the must contain all the informations to run the code, train the networks and what you did exactly. There will certainly be a 5-minute demo during december.