# These initial groups are the only groups required to be modified. The # additional groups are for more control of the environment. [control] localhost ansible_connection=local [network] localhost ansible_connection=local [compute] localhost ansible_connection=local [storage] localhost ansible_connection=local # You can explicitly specify which hosts run each project by updating the # groups in the sections below. Common services are grouped together. [haproxy:children] network [mariadb:children] control [rabbitmq:children] control [keystone:children] control [glance:children] control [nova:children] control [neutron:children] network [cinder:children] control [memcached:children] control [horizon:children] control [swift:children] control [heat:children] control [murano:children] control [ceph-mon:children] control [ceph-osd:children] storage # Additional control implemented here. These groups allow you to control which # services run on which hosts at a per-service level. # # Word of caution: Some services are required to run on the same host to # function appropriately. For example, neutron-metadata-agent must run on the # same host as the l3-agent and (depending on configuration) the dhcp-agent. # Glance [glance-api:children] glance [glance-registry:children] glance # Nova [nova-api:children] nova [nova-conductor:children] nova [nova-consoleauth:children] nova [nova-novncproxy:children] nova [nova-scheduler:children] nova # Neutron [neutron-server:children] neutron [neutron-agents:children] neutron # Cinder [cinder-api:children] cinder [cinder-backup:children] storage [cinder-scheduler:children] cinder [cinder-volume:children] storage # Swift [swift-proxy-server:children] swift [swift-account-server:children] storage [swift-container-server:children] storage [swift-object-server:children] storage # Heat [heat-api:children] heat [heat-api-cfn:children] heat [heat-engine:children] heat # Murano [murano-api:children] murano [murano-engine:children] murano