--- - name: Check nova keyring file stat: path: "{{ node_custom_config }}/nova/{{ ceph_nova_keyring }}" delegate_to: localhost run_once: True register: nova_cephx_keyring_file failed_when: not nova_cephx_keyring_file.stat.exists when: - nova_backend == "rbd" - external_ceph_cephx_enabled | bool - name: Check cinder keyring file stat: path: "{{ node_custom_config }}/nova/{{ ceph_cinder_keyring }}" delegate_to: localhost run_once: True register: cinder_cephx_keyring_file failed_when: not cinder_cephx_keyring_file.stat.exists when: - cinder_backend_ceph | bool - external_ceph_cephx_enabled | bool - name: Extract nova key from file set_fact: nova_cephx_raw_key: "{{ lookup('template', nova_cephx_keyring_file.stat.path) | regex_search('key\\s*=.*$', multiline=True) | regex_replace('key\\s*=\\s*(.*)\\s*', '\\1') }}" changed_when: false run_once: True when: - nova_backend == "rbd" - external_ceph_cephx_enabled | bool - name: Extract cinder key from file set_fact: cinder_cephx_raw_key: "{{ lookup('file', cinder_cephx_keyring_file.stat.path) | regex_search('key\\s*=.*$', multiline=True) | regex_replace('key\\s*=\\s*(.*)\\s*', '\\1') }}" changed_when: false run_once: True when: - cinder_backend_ceph | bool - external_ceph_cephx_enabled | bool - name: Copy over ceph nova keyring file template: src: "{{ nova_cephx_keyring_file.stat.path }}" dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/{{ item }}/" owner: "{{ config_owner_user }}" group: "{{ config_owner_group }}" mode: "0660" become: true with_items: - nova-compute when: - inventory_hostname in groups[nova_cell_compute_group] - nova_backend == "rbd" - external_ceph_cephx_enabled | bool notify: - Restart {{ item }} container - name: Copy over ceph cinder keyring file template: src: "{{ cinder_cephx_keyring_file.stat.path }}" dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/{{ item }}/" owner: "{{ config_owner_user }}" group: "{{ config_owner_group }}" mode: "0660" become: true with_items: # NOTE: nova-libvirt does not need it - nova-compute when: - inventory_hostname in groups[nova_cell_compute_group] - nova_backend == "rbd" - external_ceph_cephx_enabled | bool notify: - Restart {{ item }} container - name: Copy over ceph.conf vars: service: "{{ nova_cell_services[item] }}" template: src: "{{ node_custom_config }}/nova/ceph.conf" dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/{{ item }}/" owner: "{{ config_owner_user }}" group: "{{ config_owner_group }}" mode: "0660" become: true with_items: - nova-compute - nova-libvirt when: - inventory_hostname in groups[service.group] - service.enabled | bool - nova_backend == "rbd" notify: - Restart {{ item }} container - block: - name: Ensure /etc/ceph directory exists (host libvirt) file: path: "/etc/ceph/" state: "directory" owner: "root" group: "root" mode: "0755" become: true - name: Copy over ceph.conf (host libvirt) template: src: "{{ node_custom_config }}/nova/ceph.conf" dest: "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf" owner: "root" group: "root" mode: "0644" become: true when: - not enable_nova_libvirt_container | bool - inventory_hostname in groups[nova_cell_compute_group] - nova_backend == "rbd" - block: - name: Ensuring libvirt secrets directory exists vars: service: "{{ nova_cell_services['nova-libvirt'] }}" file: path: "{{ libvirt_secrets_dir }}" state: "directory" owner: "{{ config_owner_user }}" group: "{{ config_owner_group }}" mode: "0770" become: true when: - inventory_hostname in groups[service.group] - name: Pushing nova secret xml for libvirt vars: service: "{{ nova_cell_services['nova-libvirt'] }}" template: src: "secret.xml.j2" dest: "{{ libvirt_secrets_dir }}/{{ item.uuid }}.xml" owner: "{{ config_owner_user }}" group: "{{ config_owner_group }}" mode: "0600" become: true when: - inventory_hostname in groups[service.group] - item.enabled | bool with_items: - uuid: "{{ rbd_secret_uuid }}" name: "client.nova secret" enabled: "{{ nova_backend == 'rbd' }}" - uuid: "{{ cinder_rbd_secret_uuid }}" name: "client.cinder secret" enabled: "{{ cinder_backend_ceph }}" notify: "{{ libvirt_restart_handlers }}" - name: Pushing secrets key for libvirt vars: service: "{{ nova_cell_services['nova-libvirt'] }}" template: src: "libvirt-secret.j2" dest: "{{ libvirt_secrets_dir }}/{{ item.uuid }}.base64" owner: "{{ config_owner_user }}" group: "{{ config_owner_group }}" mode: "0600" become: true when: - inventory_hostname in groups[service.group] - item.enabled | bool - external_ceph_cephx_enabled | bool with_items: # NOTE(yoctozepto): 'default' filter required due to eager evaluation of item content # which will be undefined if the applicable condition is False - uuid: "{{ rbd_secret_uuid }}" result: "{{ nova_cephx_raw_key | default }}" enabled: "{{ nova_backend == 'rbd' }}" - uuid: "{{ cinder_rbd_secret_uuid }}" result: "{{ cinder_cephx_raw_key | default }}" enabled: "{{ cinder_backend_ceph }}" notify: "{{ libvirt_restart_handlers }}" no_log: True vars: libvirt_secrets_dir: >- {{ (node_config_directory ~ '/nova-libvirt/secrets') if enable_nova_libvirt_container | bool else '/etc/libvirt/secrets' }} # NOTE(mgoddard): When running libvirt as a host daemon, on CentOS it # appears to pick up secrets automatically, while on Ubuntu it requires a # reload. This may be due to differences in tested versions of libvirt # (8.0.0 vs 6.0.0). Reload should be low overhead, so do it always. libvirt_restart_handlers: >- {{ ['Restart nova-libvirt container'] if enable_nova_libvirt_container | bool else ['Reload libvirtd'] }}