.. _prometheus-guide: ===================================================== Prometheus - Monitoring System & Time Series Database ===================================================== Overview ~~~~~~~~ Kolla can deploy a full working Prometheus setup in either a **all-in-one** or **multinode** setup. Preparation and deployment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To enable Prometheus, modify the configuration file ``/etc/kolla/globals.yml`` and change the following: .. code-block:: yaml enable_prometheus: "yes" Note: This will deploy Prometheus version 2.x. Any potentially existing Prometheus 1.x instances deployed by previous Kolla Ansible releases will conflict with current version and should be manually stopped and/or removed. If you would like to stay with version 1.x, set the ``enable_prometheus`` variable to ``no``. In order to remove leftover volume containing Prometheus 1.x data, execute: .. code-block:: console docker volume rm prometheus on all hosts wherever Prometheus was previously deployed. Extending the default command line options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is possible to extend the default command line options for Prometheus by using a custom variable. As an example, to set query timeout to 1 minute and data retention size to 30 gigabytes: .. code-block:: yaml prometheus_cmdline_extras: "--query.timeout=1m --storage.tsdb.retention.size=30GB" Configuration options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. list-table:: Configuration options :widths: 25 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Option - Default - Description * - prometheus_scrape_interval - 60s - Default scrape interval for all jobs Extending prometheus.cfg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to add extra targets to scrape, you can extend the default ``prometheus.yml`` config file by placing additional configs in ``{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/prometheus.yml.d``. These should have the same format as ``prometheus.yml``. These additional configs are merged so that any list items are extended. For example, if using the default value for ``node_custom_config``, you could add additional targets to scrape by defining ``/etc/kolla/config/prometheus/prometheus.yml.d/10-custom.yml`` containing the following: .. code-block:: jinja scrape_configs: - job_name: custom static_configs: - targets: - '' - job_name: custom-template static_configs: - targets: {% for host in groups['prometheus'] %} - '{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_' + hostvars[host]['api_interface']]['ipv4']['address'] }}:{{ 3456 }}' {% endfor %} The jobs, ``custom``, and ``custom_template`` would be appended to the default list of ``scrape_configs`` in the final ``prometheus.yml``. To customize on a per host basis, files can also be placed in ``{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/<inventory_hostname>/prometheus.yml.d`` where, ``inventory_hostname`` is one of the hosts in your inventory. These will be merged with any files in ``{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/prometheus.yml.d``, so in order to override a list value instead of extending it, you will need to make sure that no files in ``{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/prometheus.yml.d`` set a key with an equivalent hierarchical path. Extra files ~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes it is necessary to reference additional files from within ``prometheus.yml``, for example, when defining file service discovery configuration. To enable you to do this, kolla-ansible will resursively discover any files in ``{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/extras`` and template them. The templated output is then copied to ``/etc/prometheus/extras`` within the container on startup. For example to configure `ipmi_exporter <https://github.com/soundcloud/ipmi_exporter>`_, using the default value for ``node_custom_config``, you could create the following files: - ``/etc/kolla/config/prometheus/prometheus.yml.d/ipmi-exporter.yml``: .. code-block:: jinja --- scrape_configs: - job_name: ipmi params: module: ["default"] scrape_interval: 1m scrape_timeout: 30s metrics_path: /ipmi scheme: http file_sd_configs: - files: - /etc/prometheus/extras/file_sd/ipmi-exporter-targets.yml refresh_interval: 5m relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__address__] separator: ; regex: (.*) target_label: __param_target replacement: ${1} action: replace - source_labels: [__param_target] separator: ; regex: (.*) target_label: instance replacement: ${1} action: replace - separator: ; regex: .* target_label: __address__ replacement: "{{ ipmi_exporter_listen_address }}:9290" action: replace where ``ipmi_exporter_listen_address`` is a variable containing the IP address of the node where the exporter is running. - ``/etc/kolla/config/prometheus/extras/file_sd/ipmi-exporter-targets.yml``: .. code-block:: yaml --- - targets: - labels: job: ipmi_exporter Metric Instance labels ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previously, Prometheus metrics used to label instances based on their IP addresses. This behaviour can now be changed such that instances can be labelled based on their inventory hostname instead. The IP address remains as the target address, therefore, even if the hostname is unresolvable, it doesn't pose an issue. The default behavior still labels instances with their IP addresses. However, this can be adjusted by changing the ``prometheus_instance_label`` variable. This variable accepts the following values: * ``None``: Instance labels will be IP addresses (default) * ``{{ ansible_facts.hostname }}``: Instance labels will be hostnames * ``{{ ansible_facts.nodename }}``: Instance labels will FQDNs To implement this feature, modify the configuration file ``/etc/kolla/globals.yml`` and update the ``prometheus_instance_label`` variable accordingly. Remember, changing this variable will cause Prometheus to scrape metrics with new names for a short period. This will result in duplicate metrics until all metrics are replaced with their new labels. .. code-block:: yaml prometheus_instance_label: "{{ ansible_facts.hostname }}" This metric labeling feature may become the default setting in future releases. Therefore, if you wish to retain the current default (IP address labels), make sure to set the ``prometheus_instance_label`` variable to ``None``. .. note:: This feature may generate duplicate metrics temporarily while Prometheus updates the metric labels. Please be aware of this while analyzing metrics during the transition period.