From 52f73f40619ab654b6f6edb7aad0aad6261d228b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eduardo Gonzalez <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2017 17:46:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix logging collection in gates

Log retrieval was out of sync since repo split
and from multinode gates.

Many useful information retrieved before like
ps, df, docker info, etc is not in kolla-ansible

Also, his change fix logs visualization to have
colored view, allowing to easily identify errors.

Change-Id: I948233e26ceb6efc58b962bcb4b710b3f006232b
 tests/ | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 9ac82cda3..fe5f8b6b2 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,16 +1,57 @@
 copy_logs() {
-    cp -rnL /var/lib/docker/volumes/kolla_logs/_data/* /tmp/logs/kolla/
-    cp -rnL /etc/kolla/* /tmp/logs/kolla_configs/
-    cp -rvnL /var/log/* /tmp/logs/system_logs/
+    set +o errexit
+    LOG_DIR=$(readlink -f /tmp/logs)
+    cp -rnL /var/lib/docker/volumes/kolla_logs/_data/* ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/
+    cp -rnL /etc/kolla/* ${LOG_DIR}/kolla_configs/
+    cp -rvnL /var/log/* ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/
     if [[ -x "$(command -v journalctl)" ]]; then
-        journalctl --no-pager -u docker.service > /tmp/logs/system_logs/docker.log
+        journalctl --no-pager > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/syslog.txt
+        journalctl --no-pager -u docker.service > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/docker.log
-        cp /var/log/upstart/docker.log /tmp/logs/system_logs/docker.log
+        cp /var/log/upstart/docker.log ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/docker.log
+    fi
+    sudo cp -r /etc/sudoers.d ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/
+    sudo cp /etc/sudoers ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/sudoers.txt
+    df -h > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/df.txt
+    free  > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/free.txt
+    sudo parted -l > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/parted-l.txt
+    mount > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/mount.txt
+    env > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/env.txt
+    if [ `command -v dpkg` ]; then
+        dpkg -l > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/dpkg-l.txt
+    if [ `command -v rpm` ]; then
+        rpm -qa > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/rpm-qa.txt
+    fi
+    # final memory usage and process list
+    ps -eo user,pid,ppid,lwp,%cpu,%mem,size,rss,cmd > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/ps.txt
+    # docker related information
+    (docker info && docker images && docker ps -a) > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/docker-info.txt
+    # Rename files to .txt; this is so that when displayed via
+    # clicking results in the browser shows the
+    # files, rather than trying to send it to another app or make you
+    # download it, etc.
+    # Rename all .log files to .txt files
+    for f in $(find ${LOG_DIR}/{system_logs,kolla,docker_logs} -name "*.log"); do
+        sudo mv $f ${f/.log/.txt}
+    done
+    sudo find ${LOG_DIR}/{system_logs,kolla,docker_logs} -iname '*.txt' -execdir gzip -f -9 {} \+
+    sudo find ${LOG_DIR}/{system_logs,kolla,docker_logs} -iname '*.json' -execdir gzip -f -9 {} \+
+    set +o errexit
 check_failure() {