diff --git a/contrib/demos/magnum/start b/contrib/demos/magnum/start
index 3a3cd29a6071d83989792468d54302bbd175a76f..3ce77a2e1577715761a090a1ffe6a20e9a3ac72d 100755
--- a/contrib/demos/magnum/start
+++ b/contrib/demos/magnum/start
@@ -1,40 +1,34 @@
-NETWORK_MANAGER=$(grep -sri NETWORK_MANAGER ../../compose/openstack.env | cut -f2 -d "=")
-if [ "$NETWORK_MANAGER" != "neutron" ]; then
-    echo 'Magnum depends on the Neutron network manager to operate.'
-    echo 'Exiting because the network manager is' "$NETWORK_MANAGER".
-    exit 1
-echo Downloading glance image.
 if ! [ -f "$IMAGE" ]; then
+    echo "Downloading ${IMAGE_NAME} image"
     curl -L -o ./$IMAGE $IMAGE_URL/$IMAGE
-NIC_ID=$(neutron net-show public1 | awk '/ id /{print $4}')
+NIC_ID=$(openstack network show public1 | awk '/ id /{print $4}')
-glance image-delete fedora-21-atomic-3 2> /dev/null
+openstack image delete ${IMAGE_NAME} 2> /dev/null
-echo Loading fedora-atomic image into glance
-glance image-create --name fedora-21-atomic-3 --progress --is-public true --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --file ./$IMAGE
-GLANCE_IMAGE_ID=$(glance image-show fedora-21-atomic-3 | grep id | awk '{print $4}')
+echo "Loading ${IMAGE_NAME} image into glance"
+openstack image create --public --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --file ./$IMAGE ${IMAGE_NAME}
+GLANCE_IMAGE_ID=$(openstack image show ${IMAGE_NAME} | grep id | awk '{print $4}')
-echo registering os-distro property with image
-glance image-update $GLANCE_IMAGE_ID --property os_distro=fedora-atomic
+echo "Registering os-distro property with image"
+openstack image set $GLANCE_IMAGE_ID --property os_distro=fedora-atomic
-echo Creating baymodel
-magnum baymodel-create \
-    --name testbaymodel \
-    --image-id $GLANCE_IMAGE_ID \
-    --keypair-id mykey \
+echo "Creating cluster-template"
+magnum cluster-template-create \
+    --name testclustertemplate \
+    --image $GLANCE_IMAGE_ID \
+    --keypair mykey \
     --fixed-network \
-    --external-network-id $NIC_ID \
-    --dns-nameserver --flavor-id m1.small \
+    --external-network $NIC_ID \
+    --tls-disabled \
+    --dns-nameserver --flavor m1.small \
     --docker-volume-size 5 --coe kubernetes
-echo Creating Bay
-magnum bay-create --name testbay --baymodel testbaymodel --node-count 2
+echo "Creating cluster"
+magnum cluster-create --name testcluster --cluster-template testclustertemplate --node-count 2
diff --git a/contrib/demos/magnum/stop b/contrib/demos/magnum/stop
index 67da543e07cbdb43ccf4d1b1c85abf8686ebd27b..c99ca26ecd6dd5cbe23f4954c2c5beffc1a8f613 100755
--- a/contrib/demos/magnum/stop
+++ b/contrib/demos/magnum/stop
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-magnum bay-delete testbay
-while magnum bay-list | grep -q testbay; do
+echo "Deleting cluster"
+magnum cluster-delete testcluster
+while magnum cluster-list | grep -q testcluster; do
     sleep 1
-magnum baymodel-delete testbaymodel
+echo "Deleting cluster-template"
+magnum cluster-template-delete testclustertemplate