diff --git a/tests/run.yml b/tests/run.yml
index 380bf8fb752dcf554531d6359eb9854da9ded980..42dedaed7e336fbcddd97b29213ffac47591acbf 100644
--- a/tests/run.yml
+++ b/tests/run.yml
@@ -398,6 +398,8 @@
             chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}"
             SCENARIO: "{{ scenario }}"
+            HAS_UPGRADE: "{{ is_upgrade | bool | ternary('yes', 'no') }}"
+            PHASE: deploy
           when: openstack_core_tested
         - name: Run test-zun.sh script
@@ -596,6 +598,8 @@
             chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}"
             SCENARIO: "{{ scenario }}"
+            HAS_UPGRADE: 'yes'
+            PHASE: upgrade
           when: openstack_core_tested
       when: is_upgrade
diff --git a/tests/test-core-openstack.sh b/tests/test-core-openstack.sh
index 8339a7d57cb7161aa55de5a25283f572cceb0c5a..9146fecaf5b29f6df53f3ae7e347dd3d6af8da4c 100755
--- a/tests/test-core-openstack.sh
+++ b/tests/test-core-openstack.sh
@@ -16,6 +16,85 @@ function test_smoke {
+function create_a_volume {
+    local volume_name=$1
+    local attempt
+    openstack volume create --size 2 $volume_name
+    attempt=1
+    while [[ $(openstack volume show $volume_name -f value -c status) != "available" ]]; do
+        echo "Volume $volume_name not available yet"
+        attempt=$((attempt+1))
+        if [[ $attempt -eq 10 ]]; then
+            echo "Volume $volume_name failed to become available"
+            openstack volume show $volume_name
+            return 1
+        fi
+        sleep 10
+    done
+function attach_and_detach_a_volume {
+    local volume_name=$1
+    local instance_name=$2
+    local attempt
+    openstack server add volume $instance_name $volume_name --device /dev/vdb
+    attempt=1
+    while [[ $(openstack volume show $volume_name -f value -c status) != "in-use" ]]; do
+        echo "Volume $volume_name not attached yet"
+        attempt=$((attempt+1))
+        if [[ $attempt -eq 10 ]]; then
+            echo "Volume failed to attach"
+            openstack volume show $volume_name
+            return 1
+        fi
+        sleep 10
+    done
+    openstack server remove volume $instance_name $volume_name
+    attempt=1
+    while [[ $(openstack volume show $volume_name -f value -c status) != "available" ]]; do
+        echo "Volume $volume_name not detached yet"
+        attempt=$((attempt+1))
+        if [[ $attempt -eq 10 ]]; then
+            echo "Volume failed to detach"
+            openstack volume show $volume_name
+            return 1
+        fi
+        sleep 10
+    done
+function delete_a_volume {
+    local volume_name=$1
+    local attempt
+    local result
+    openstack volume delete $volume_name
+    attempt=1
+    # NOTE(yoctozepto): This is executed outside of the `while` clause
+    # *on purpose*. You see, bash is evil (TM) and will silence any error
+    # happening in any "condition" clause (such as `if` or `while`) even with
+    # `errexit` being set.
+    result=$(openstack volume list --name $volume_name -f value -c ID)
+    while [[ -n "$result" ]]; do
+        echo "Volume $volume_name not deleted yet"
+        attempt=$((attempt+1))
+        if [[ $attempt -eq 10 ]]; then
+            echo "Volume failed to delete"
+            openstack volume show $volume_name
+            return 1
+        fi
+        sleep 10
+        result=$(openstack volume list --name $volume_name -f value -c ID)
+    done
 function test_instance_boot {
     echo "TESTING: Server creation"
     openstack server create --wait --image cirros --flavor m1.tiny --key-name mykey --network demo-net kolla_boot_test
@@ -30,44 +109,28 @@ function test_instance_boot {
     if [[ $SCENARIO == "ceph-ansible" ]] || [[ $SCENARIO == "zun" ]]; then
         echo "TESTING: Cinder volume attachment"
-        openstack volume create --size 2 test_volume
-        attempt=1
-        while [[ $(openstack volume show test_volume -f value -c status) != "available" ]]; do
-            echo "Volume not available yet"
-            attempt=$((attempt+1))
-            if [[ $attempt -eq 10 ]]; then
-                echo "Volume failed to become available"
-                openstack volume show test_volume
-                return 1
-            fi
-            sleep 10
-        done
-        openstack server add volume kolla_boot_test test_volume --device /dev/vdb
-        attempt=1
-        while [[ $(openstack volume show test_volume -f value -c status) != "in-use" ]]; do
-            echo "Volume not attached yet"
-            attempt=$((attempt+1))
-            if [[ $attempt -eq 10 ]]; then
-                echo "Volume failed to attach"
-                openstack volume show test_volume
-                return 1
-            fi
-            sleep 10
-        done
-        openstack server remove volume kolla_boot_test test_volume
-        attempt=1
-        while [[ $(openstack volume show test_volume -f value -c status) != "available" ]]; do
-            echo "Volume not detached yet"
-            attempt=$((attempt+1))
-            if [[ $attempt -eq 10 ]]; then
-                echo "Volume failed to detach"
-                openstack volume show test_volume
-                return 1
-            fi
-            sleep 10
-        done
-        openstack volume delete test_volume
+        create_a_volume test_volume
+        openstack volume show test_volume
+        attach_and_detach_a_volume test_volume kolla_boot_test
+        delete_a_volume test_volume
         echo "SUCCESS: Cinder volume attachment"
+        if [[ $HAS_UPGRADE == 'yes' ]]; then
+            echo "TESTING: Cinder volume upgrade stability (PHASE: $PHASE)"
+            if [[ $PHASE == 'deploy' ]]; then
+                create_a_volume durable_volume
+                openstack volume show durable_volume
+            elif [[ $PHASE == 'upgrade' ]]; then
+                openstack volume show durable_volume
+                attach_and_detach_a_volume durable_volume kolla_boot_test
+                delete_a_volume durable_volume
+            fi
+            echo "SUCCESS: Cinder volume upgrade stability (PHASE: $PHASE)"
+        fi
     echo "TESTING: Floating ip allocation"