diff --git a/doc/source/configuration/reference/ironic-python-agent.rst b/doc/source/configuration/reference/ironic-python-agent.rst
index ab5c125c9fcdfa95a6fbd6b29fe1afcbb8b60146..f068912086f39f351d006bb4c38252f71e6de46d 100644
--- a/doc/source/configuration/reference/ironic-python-agent.rst
+++ b/doc/source/configuration/reference/ironic-python-agent.rst
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ The following options cover building of IPA images via Diskimage-builder (DIB).
 Consult the :diskimage-builder-doc:`Diskimage-builder documentation <>` for
 full details.
-The default configuration builds a CentOS 7 ramdisk image which includes the
+The default configuration builds a CentOS 8 ramdisk image which includes the
 upstream IPA source code, and has a serial console enabled.
 The images are built for Bifrost via ``kayobe seed deployment image build``,
@@ -279,16 +279,6 @@ inspection.
 Example: Adding the ``extra-hardware`` collector
-.. note::
-    The ``hardware`` Python package has dropped support for Python 2. If you
-    are using an IPA image that uses Python 2 by default, for example CentOS 7,
-    you will need to use a version of the ``hardware`` package that is no
-    greater than ``0.23.x``. You can specify the version using the
-    ``DIB_IPA_HARDWARE_VERSION`` environment variable. This can be added
-    to the ``ipa_build_dib_env_extra`` dictionary in ``${KAYOBE_CONFIG_PATH}/ipa.yml``.
-    For example: ``DIB_IPA_HARDWARE_VERSION: "0.23.0"``.
 The ``extra-hardware`` collector may be used to collect additional information
 about hardware during inspection. It is also a requirement for running
 benchmarks. This collector depends on the Python `hardware package
@@ -303,29 +293,17 @@ The following example enables the ``extra-hardware`` collector:
      - "extra-hardware"
-The `StackHPC image elements
-<https://github.com/stackhpc/stackhpc-image-elements>`__ git repository
-provides an ``ipa-extra-hardware`` element which may be used to install this
-package. It may be used as follows if building an IPA image locally:
+The ``ironic-python-agent-builder`` repository provides an `extra-hardware
+which may be used to install this package. It may be used as follows if
+building an IPA image locally:
 .. code-block:: yaml
    :caption: ``ipa.yml``
-     - "ipa-extra-hardware"
-   ipa_build_dib_git_elements:
-     - repo: "https://github.com/stackhpc/stackhpc-image-elements"
-       local: "{{ source_checkout_path }}/stackhpc-image-elements"
-       version: "master"
-       elements_path: "elements"
-   ipa_build_dib_env_extra:
-     # This is to workaround the fact that pip > 10 will produce an error if
-     # you try and uninstall a distuils installed package. Previous versions
-     # would remove the metadata only -  leaving the code intact, see:
-     # https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1768135
-     DIB_INSTALLTYPE_pip_and_virtualenv: package
+     - "extra-hardware"
 Example: Passing additional kernel arguments to IPA
diff --git a/playbooks/kayobe-seed-base/overrides.yml.j2 b/playbooks/kayobe-seed-base/overrides.yml.j2
index 370465a2fa2b3db4fbf3462a5725b0d74150aced..2f4e620c9c06f0a564b9c93e2736b419ecdecf16 100644
--- a/playbooks/kayobe-seed-base/overrides.yml.j2
+++ b/playbooks/kayobe-seed-base/overrides.yml.j2
@@ -25,5 +25,7 @@ pip_index_url: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/pypi/simple"
   - dummy1
-# Build seed deployment images (IPA)
+# Build seed deployment images (IPA) with extra-hardware element
 ipa_build_images: true
+  - "extra-hardware"