export function updateAnalysis(visualization, year) { const container = document.getElementById( "analysis-content-" + visualization ); if (analyses[visualization] && analyses[visualization][year]) { container.innerHTML = analyses[visualization][year]; } else { container.innerHTML = "<p>Analyse indisponible pour cette année.</p>"; } } (function () { "use strict"; /** * Easy selector helper function */ const select = (el, all = false) => { el = el.trim(); if (all) { return [...document.querySelectorAll(el)]; } else { return document.querySelector(el); } }; /** * Easy event listener function */ const on = (type, el, listener, all = false) => { let selectEl = select(el, all); if (selectEl) { if (all) { selectEl.forEach((e) => e.addEventListener(type, listener)); } else { selectEl.addEventListener(type, listener); } } }; /** * Easy on scroll event listener */ const onscroll = (el, listener) => { el.addEventListener("scroll", listener); }; /** * Navbar links active state on scroll */ let navbarlinks = select("#navbar .scrollto", true); const navbarlinksActive = () => { let position = window.scrollY + 200; navbarlinks.forEach((navbarlink) => { if (!navbarlink.hash) return; let section = select(navbarlink.hash); if (!section) return; if ( position >= section.offsetTop && position <= section.offsetTop + section.offsetHeight ) { navbarlink.classList.add("active"); } else { navbarlink.classList.remove("active"); } }); }; window.addEventListener("load", navbarlinksActive); onscroll(document, navbarlinksActive); /** * Scrolls to an element with header offset */ const scrollto = (el) => { let header = select("#header"); let offset = header.offsetHeight; if (!header.classList.contains("header-scrolled")) { offset -= 20; } let elementPos = select(el).offsetTop; window.scrollTo({ top: elementPos - offset, behavior: "smooth", }); }; /** * Toggle .header-scrolled class to #header when page is scrolled */ let selectHeader = select("#header"); if (selectHeader) { const headerScrolled = () => { if (window.scrollY > 100) { selectHeader.classList.add("header-scrolled"); } else { selectHeader.classList.remove("header-scrolled"); } }; window.addEventListener("load", headerScrolled); onscroll(document, headerScrolled); } /** * Back to top button */ let backtotop = select(".back-to-top"); if (backtotop) { const toggleBacktotop = () => { if (window.scrollY > 100) { backtotop.classList.add("active"); } else { backtotop.classList.remove("active"); } }; window.addEventListener("load", toggleBacktotop); onscroll(document, toggleBacktotop); } /** * Mobile nav toggle */ on("click", ".mobile-nav-toggle", function (e) { select("#navbar").classList.toggle("navbar-mobile"); this.classList.toggle("bi-list"); this.classList.toggle("bi-x"); }); /** * Mobile nav dropdowns activate */ on( "click", ".navbar .dropdown > a", function (e) { if (select("#navbar").classList.contains("navbar-mobile")) { e.preventDefault(); this.nextElementSibling.classList.toggle("dropdown-active"); } }, true ); /** * Scrool with ofset on links with a class name .scrollto */ on( "click", ".scrollto", function (e) { if (select(this.hash)) { e.preventDefault(); let navbar = select("#navbar"); if (navbar.classList.contains("navbar-mobile")) { navbar.classList.remove("navbar-mobile"); let navbarToggle = select(".mobile-nav-toggle"); navbarToggle.classList.toggle("bi-list"); navbarToggle.classList.toggle("bi-x"); } scrollto(this.hash); } }, true ); /** * Scroll with ofset on page load with hash links in the url */ window.addEventListener("load", () => { if (window.location.hash) { if (select(window.location.hash)) { scrollto(window.location.hash); } } }); /** * Preloader */ let preloader = select("#preloader"); if (preloader) { window.addEventListener("load", () => { preloader.remove(); }); } /** * Initiate glightbox */ const glightbox = GLightbox({ selector: ".glightbox", }); /** * Initiate gallery lightbox */ const galleryLightbox = GLightbox({ selector: ".gallery-lightbox", }); /** * Testimonials slider */ new Swiper(".testimonials-slider", { speed: 600, loop: true, autoplay: { delay: 5000, disableOnInteraction: false, }, slidesPerView: "auto", pagination: { el: ".swiper-pagination", type: "bullets", clickable: true, }, }); /** * Animation on scroll */ window.addEventListener("load", () => { AOS.init({ duration: 1000, easing: "ease-in-out", once: true, mirror: false, }); }); /** * Initiate Pure Counter */ new PureCounter(); })();