diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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 | 24/04 | 9h45 ou 11h15 | TP            | [Sujet](tp/tp8.md), corrigé calculette programmable: [sans](tp/tp8.ml) ou [avec](tp/tp8b.ml) fonctions natives |
 | 23/05 | 14h           | ECA           | Attention, c'est un mardi après-midi                                                                           |
+### Annales
+- [Printemps 2023, session 1](annales/ccf-2023p-s1.pdf), [corrigé](annales/ccf-2023p-s1-corrige.ml)
 ### Évaluation
 - 4 QCMs + 1 contrôle en TD: 60 %
diff --git a/annales/ccf-2023p-s1-corrige.ml b/annales/ccf-2023p-s1-corrige.ml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/annales/ccf-2023p-s1-corrige.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+(* Listes et paires *)
+(* Questions 1 & 2 *)
+let rec map2 (f : 'a -> 'b -> 'c) (l1 : 'a list) (l2 : 'b list) :
+    'c list =
+  match (l1, l2) with
+  | [], _ -> []
+  | _, [] -> []
+  | x1 :: l1', x2 :: l2' -> f x1 x2 :: map2 f l1' l2'
+(* Questions 3 & 4 *)
+let rec zip (l1 : 'a list) (l2 : 'b list) : ('a * 'b) list =
+  match (l1, l2) with
+  | [], _ -> []
+  | _, [] -> []
+  | x1 :: l1', x2 :: l2' -> (x1, x2) :: zip l1' l2'
+(* Questions 5 & 6 *)
+let unzip (l : ('a * 'b) list) : 'a list * 'b list =
+  List.fold_right
+    (fun p pl -> (fst p :: fst pl, snd p :: snd pl))
+    l ([], [])
+(* Question 7 *)
+let map2 (f : 'a -> 'b -> 'c) (l1 : 'a list) (l2 : 'b list) :
+    'c list =
+  List.map (fun p -> f (fst p) (snd p)) (zip l1 l2)
+(* Expressions booléennes *)
+(* Question 8 *)
+type boolexpr =
+  | Var of string
+  | Vrai
+  | Non of boolexpr
+  | Et of boolexpr * boolexpr
+(* Questions 9 & 10 *)
+let rec eval (env : (string * bool) list) (expr : boolexpr) :
+    bool option =
+  match expr with
+  | Var v -> List.assoc_opt v env
+  | Vrai -> Some true
+  | Non expr' -> (
+      match eval env expr' with
+      | None -> None
+      | Some b -> Some (not b))
+  | Et (expr1, expr2) -> (
+      match (eval env expr1, eval env expr2) with
+      | Some b1, Some b2 -> Some (b1 && b2)
+      | _, _ -> None)
+(* Modules et arbres de recherche *)
+(* Donné dans l'énoncé *)
+module type Cmp = sig
+  type t
+  type cmp_t = Lt | Gt | Eq
+  val cmp : t -> t -> cmp_t
+(* Question 11 *)
+module type ENS_T = sig
+  type ens
+  type elt
+  val appartient : elt -> ens -> bool
+  val insere : elt -> ens -> ens
+module ABR_T (M : Cmp) : ENS_T with type elt = M.t = struct
+  (* Question 12 *)
+  type ens = Vide | Noeud of (M.t * ens * ens)
+  type elt = M.t
+  (* Question 13 *)
+  let rec appartient v a =
+    match a with
+    | Vide -> false
+    | Noeud (v2, fg, fd) -> (
+        match M.cmp v v2 with
+        | Lt -> appartient v fg
+        | Gt -> appartient v fd
+        | Eq -> true)
+  (* Question 14 *)
+  let rec insere v a =
+    match a with
+    | Vide -> Noeud (v, Vide, Vide)
+    | Noeud (v2, fg, fd) -> (
+        match M.cmp v v2 with
+        | Lt -> Noeud (v2, insere v fg, fd)
+        | Gt -> Noeud (v2, fg, insere v fd)
+        | Eq -> a)
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Binary files /dev/null and b/annales/ccf-2023p-s1.pdf differ