diff --git a/src/eugenisme/controller/Eugenisme.java b/src/eugenisme/controller/Eugenisme.java
index 18912b2e6cc3402a8c9cf81bb3b73214032b94c3..829689ec7964b4ee66807599cd3d903710e5ddd9 100644
--- a/src/eugenisme/controller/Eugenisme.java
+++ b/src/eugenisme/controller/Eugenisme.java
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import eugenisme.model.SimulationManagerGUI;
 import eugenisme.model.ant.Fourmi;
 import eugenisme.model.world.Monde;
 import eugenisme.utils.command.Command;
+import eugenisme.utils.command.Line;
 import eugenisme.utils.field.Field;
 import eugenisme.view.uigene.UIGene;
@@ -15,14 +16,21 @@ import eugenisme.view.uigene.UIGene;
  * Eugenisme fait la gestion des expériences
-public class Eugenisme {
-    private static boolean wasPaused = false;
-    private static final String SETTINGS_FILE_PATH = "ressources/config.txt";
-    private volatile static State state = State.INITIALIZE;
-    private static Experience experience = new Experience();
-    private static Thread threadEvent;
+public class Eugenisme
+	private static boolean wasPaused = false;
+	private static final String SETTINGS_FILE_PATH = "ressources/config.txt";
+	private volatile static State state = State.INITIALIZE;
+	private static Experience experience  = new Experience();
+	private static Thread threadEvent;
+	private static Thread threadDisplayFourmi;
+	private static Thread threadDisplayMonde;
+	private static Fourmi displayFourmi = null;
+	private static Monde displayMonde = null;
      * initilisation générale
@@ -55,14 +63,20 @@ public class Eugenisme {
                             " | max " + experience.getScoreMax());
-        // On appelle itererGeneration
-        if (!experience.itererGeneration()) {
-            // si l'experience est fini on sauvegarde et on arrete la boucle
-            save();
-            if (experience.afficherFenetreGenesFourmi.get()) displayFourmi();
-            if (experience.afficherFenetreSimulation.get()) displayMonde();
-            state = State.SETUP;
-        }
+		// On appelle itererGeneration
+    	if(!experience.itererGeneration()) {
+    		// si l'experience est fini on sauvegarde et on arrete la boucle
+    		save();
+    		if(experience.afficherFenetreGenesFourmi.get()) {
+    			startDisplayFourmi();
+    		}
+    		if(experience.afficherFenetreSimulation.get()) {
+    			displayFourmi = experience.getFourmis().get(0);
+    			displayMonde = experience.getMonde().clone();
+    			startDisplayMonde();
+    		}
+    		state = State.SETUP;
+    	}
@@ -76,13 +90,16 @@ public class Eugenisme {
      * Lance une fenêtre d'UI qui affiche le monde et la fourmi passés en paramètre.
     private static void displayMonde() {
-        Monde monde = experience.getMonde();
-        SimulationManagerGUI smg =
-                new SimulationManagerGUI(monde,
-                        experience.tempsSim.get(),
-        smg.run();
-    }
+    	if(displayFourmi == null || displayMonde == null) {
+    		System.out.println("Situation invalide");
+    		return;
+    	}
+    	SimulationManagerGUI mondeGUI =
+				new SimulationManagerGUI(displayMonde,
+						experience.tempsSim.get(),
+						displayFourmi);
+		mondeGUI.run();
+    }	
      * sauvegarde
@@ -134,7 +151,9 @@ public class Eugenisme {
         // lancement traitement des inputs
-        System.out.println("Entrez \"start\" pour débuter la simulation, ou \"help\" pour avoir la liste des commandes");
+        System.out.println("Entrez \"start\" pour débuter la simulation, ou \"help\" pour avoir la liste des commandes");
+        // boucle générale
         while (state != State.KILL) {
@@ -149,215 +168,334 @@ public class Eugenisme {
      * thread parallèle permettant de traiter les entrées utilisateur
     private static void eventThread() {
-        while (state != State.KILL) state.execute();
+    	Line cmd;
+        while (state != State.KILL) {
+        	cmd = InputHandler.nextLine(); 
+        	state.execute(cmd);
+        }
-     * liste des états du programme
+     * Démare le Thread qui encapsule l'affichage du génome des fourmis
-    public enum State {
-        // initialisation generale
-        INITIALIZE(Eugenisme::initialize, null),
-        // phase de setup
-        SETUP(null, SETUP_COMMAND()),
-        RUN(Eugenisme::mainLoop, RUN_COMMAND()),
-        KILL(null, null);
-        private Runnable function;
-        private Command command;
-        private State(Runnable func, Command cmd) {
-            function = func;
-            command = cmd;
-        }
-        public void run() {
-            if (function != null) function.run();
-        }
-        public void execute() {
-            if (command != null) command.execute(InputHandler.nextLine());
-        }
-        /**
-         * Commande pour la phase de setup
-         * les commandes sont données par des fonctions et non par des constantes car les constantes sont initialisees après les enum en java, donc unitilisable ici
-         * le but est également de déplacer l'initialisation car elle est massive et rendrait le code illisible
-         */
-        private static Command SETUP_COMMAND() {
-            return new Command(line -> System.out.println("try 'help' for help"))
-                    .addSubCommand("config",
-                            new Command(line -> System.out.println("try 'config help' for help"))
-                                    .addSubCommand("help",
-                                            new Command(line ->
-                                            {
-                                                System.out.println("<set/get/list/load/save>");
-                                            }
-                                            )
-                                    ).addSubCommand("list",
-                                    new Command(line ->
-                                    {
-                                        System.out.println("Config disponibles : ");
-                                        for (Field<?> field : experience.fieldCluster.getFields()) {
-                                            System.out.println("- " + field.getName() + " : " + field.get());
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                    )
-                            ).addSubCommand("set",
-                                    new Command(line ->
-                                    {
-                                        String name = line.next();
-                                        String arg = line.next();
-                                        try {
-                                            experience.fieldCluster.parseField(name, arg);
-                                            System.out.println(name + " set to " + arg);
-                                        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
-                                            System.out.println("Setting not found : " + name);
-                                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
-                                            System.out.println("Invalid parametter : " + arg);
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                    )
-                            ).addSubCommand("get",
-                                    new Command(line ->
-                                    {
-                                        String name = line.next();
-                                        Field<?> field = experience.fieldCluster.getField(name);
-                                        if (field != null)
-                                            System.out.println(field.getName() + " : " + field.get());
-                                        else
-                                            System.out.println("Setting not found : " + name);
-                                    }
-                                    )
-                            ).addSubCommand("load",
-                                    new Command(line -> System.out.println("try 'config load help' for help"))
-                                            .addSubCommand("default",
-                                                    new Command(line ->
-                                                    {
-                                                        System.out.println("loading settings from : " + SETTINGS_FILE_PATH);
-                                                        experience.loadSettingsFromFile(SETTINGS_FILE_PATH);
-                                                    }
-                                                    )
-                                            ).addSubCommand("path",
-                                            new Command(line ->
-                                            {
-                                                String path = line.next();
-                                                System.out.println("loading settings from : " + path);
-                                                experience.loadSettingsFromFile(path);
-                                            }
-                                            )
-                                    ).addSubCommand("help",
-                                            new Command(line ->
-                                            {
-                                                System.out.println("load <default/path>");
-                                            }
-                                            )
-                                    )
-                            ).addSubCommand("save",
-                                    new Command(line -> System.out.println("try 'config save help' for help"))
-                                            .addSubCommand("default",
-                                                    new Command(line ->
-                                                    {
-                                                        System.out.println("saving settings to : " + SETTINGS_FILE_PATH);
-                                                        experience.saveSettingsToFile(SETTINGS_FILE_PATH);
-                                                    }
-                                                    )
-                                            ).addSubCommand("path",
-                                            new Command(line ->
-                                            {
-                                                String path = line.next();
-                                                System.out.println("saving settings to : " + path);
-                                                experience.saveSettingsToFile(path);
-                                            }
-                                            )
-                                    ).addSubCommand("help",
-                                            new Command(line ->
-                                            {
-                                                System.out.println("save <default/path>");
-                                            }
-                                            )
-                                    )
-                            )
-                    ).addSubCommand("resume",
-                            new Command(line ->
-                            {
-                                if (!wasPaused) {
-                                    System.out.println("Initialization failed : Aucune opération n'est en pause");
-                                    return;
-                                }
-                                try {
-                                    experience.resumeFromFile();
-                                    state = State.RUN;
-                                    System.out.println("resumed from pause");
-                                } catch (InitializationFailException e) {
-                                    System.out.println("Initialization failed : " + e.getMessage());
-                                    return;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            )
-                    ).addSubCommand("start",
-                            new Command(line ->
-                            {
-                                try {
-                                    experience.initialize();
-                                    state = State.RUN;
-                                    System.out.println("begin");
-                                } catch (InitializationFailException e) {
-                                    System.out.println("Initialization failed : " + e.getMessage());
-                                    return;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            )
-                    ).addSubCommand("exit",
-                            new Command(line ->
-                            {
-                                exit();
-                            }
-                            )
-                    ).addSubCommand("help",
-                            new Command(line ->
-                            {
-                                System.out.println("<config/resume/start/exit>");
-                            }
-                            )
-                    );
-        }
-        /**
-         * Commande pour la phase de run
-         */
-        private static Command RUN_COMMAND() {
-            return new Command(line -> System.out.println("try 'help' for help"))
-                    .addSubCommand("help",
-                            new Command(line ->
-                            {
-                                System.out.println("<exit/save/pause>");
-                            }
-                            )
-                    ).addSubCommand("exit",
-                            new Command(line ->
-                            {
-                                exit();
-                            }
-                            )
-                    ).addSubCommand("save",
-                            new Command(line ->
-                            {
-                                save();
-                                state = State.SETUP;
-                            }
-                            )
-                    ).addSubCommand("pause",
-                            new Command(line ->
-                            {
-                                pause();
-                                state = State.SETUP;
-                            }
-                            )
-                    );
-        }
+    public static void startDisplayFourmi() {
+    	stopDisplayFourmi();
+        threadDisplayFourmi = new Thread(Eugenisme::displayFourmi);
+        threadDisplayFourmi.setDaemon(true);
+    	threadDisplayFourmi.start();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Démare le Thread qui encapsule l'affichage du Monde et de la fourmi qui y vit
+     */
+    public static void startDisplayMonde() {
+    	stopDisplayMonde();
+        threadDisplayMonde = new Thread(Eugenisme::displayMonde);
+        threadDisplayMonde.setDaemon(true);
+        threadDisplayMonde.start();
+    /**
+     * Arrête le Thread d'affichage du génome
+     */
+    public static void stopDisplayFourmi() {
+    	if(threadDisplayFourmi != null && threadDisplayFourmi.isAlive())
+    		threadDisplayFourmi.interrupt();
+	}
+    /**
+     * Arrête le Thread d'affichage du Monde
+     */
+    public static void stopDisplayMonde() {
+    	if(threadDisplayMonde != null && threadDisplayMonde.isAlive())
+    		threadDisplayMonde.interrupt();
+	}
+    /**
+	 * liste des etats du programme
+	 * @author adrien
+	 *
+	 */
+	public enum State
+	{
+		// initialisation generale
+		INITIALIZE(Eugenisme::initialize, null),
+		// phase de setup
+		RUN(Eugenisme::mainLoop, RUN_COMMAND()),
+		KILL(null, null);
+		private Runnable function;
+		private Command command;
+		private State(Runnable func, Command cmd) {function = func; command = cmd; }
+		public void run() { if(function != null) function.run(); }
+		public void execute(Line cmd) { if(command != null) command.execute(cmd); }
+	    /**
+	     * Commande pour la phase de setup
+	     * les commandes sont donnees par des fonction et non par des constantes car les constantes sont initialisees apres les enum en java, donc unitilisable ici
+	     * le but est aussi de deplacer l'initialisation car elle est massive et rendrais le code ilisible
+	     */
+		private static Command SETUP_COMMAND()
+		{
+			return new Command( line -> InputHandler.parse("help") )
+			.addSubCommand("config", 
+					new Command( line -> InputHandler.parse("config help") )
+					.addSubCommand("help", 
+							new Command( line -> System.out.println("config <help/set/get/list/load/save>") )
+					).addSubCommand("list", 
+							new Command(line -> 
+							{ 
+								System.out.println("Paramètres disponibles : ");
+								for(Field<?> field : experience.fieldCluster.getFields())
+								{
+									System.out.println("- " + field.getName() + " : " + field.get());
+								}
+							}
+							)
+					).addSubCommand("set", 
+							new Command(line -> 
+							{
+								String name = line.next();
+								String arg = line.next();
+								try
+								{
+									experience.fieldCluster.parseField(name, arg);
+									System.out.println(name + " set to " + arg);
+								}
+								catch(NullPointerException e)
+								{
+									System.out.println("Setting not found : " + name);
+								}
+								catch(NumberFormatException e)
+								{
+									System.out.println("Invalid parametter : " + arg);
+								}
+							}
+							)
+					).addSubCommand("get", 
+							new Command(line -> 
+							{
+								String name = line.next();
+								Field<?> field  = experience.fieldCluster.getField(name);
+								if(field != null)
+									System.out.println(field.getName() + " : " + field.get());
+								else	
+									System.out.println("Setting not found : " + name);
+							}
+							)
+					).addSubCommand("load", 
+							new Command(line -> InputHandler.parse("config load help"))
+							.addSubCommand("default", 
+									new Command(line -> 
+									{ 
+										System.out.println("loading settings from : " + SETTINGS_FILE_PATH);
+										experience.loadSettingsFromFile(SETTINGS_FILE_PATH); 
+									}
+									)
+							).addSubCommand("path", 
+									new Command(line -> 
+									{ 
+										String path = line.next();
+										System.out.println("loading settings from : " + path);
+										experience.loadSettingsFromFile(path); 
+									}
+									)
+							).addSubCommand("help", 
+									new Command( line -> System.out.println("config load <help/default/path>") )
+							)
+					).addSubCommand("save", 
+							new Command( line -> InputHandler.parse("config save help") )
+							.addSubCommand("default", 
+									new Command(line -> 
+									{ 
+										System.out.println("saving settings to : " + SETTINGS_FILE_PATH);
+										experience.saveSettingsToFile(SETTINGS_FILE_PATH);
+									}
+									)
+							).addSubCommand("path", 
+									new Command(line -> 
+									{ 
+										String path = line.next();
+										System.out.println("saving settings to : " + path);
+										experience.saveSettingsToFile(path); 
+									}
+									)
+							).addSubCommand("help", 
+									new Command( line -> System.out.println("config save <help/default/path>") )
+							)
+					)
+			).addSubCommand("display", 
+					new Command(line -> InputHandler.parse("display help") )
+					.addSubCommand("help", 
+							new Command(line -> System.out.println("display <help/select/show/hide>") )
+					).addSubCommand("select", 
+							new Command(line -> InputHandler.parse("display select help") )
+							.addSubCommand("help", 
+									new Command(line -> System.out.println("display select <help/fourmi/monde>") )
+							).addSubCommand("fourmi", 
+									new Command(line -> InputHandler.parse("display select fourmi help") )
+									.addSubCommand("help", 
+											new Command(line -> System.out.println("display select fourmi <help/fromString/fromExperience>") )
+									).addSubCommand("fromString", 
+											new Command(line ->
+											{
+												try { displayFourmi = Fourmi.fromString(line.dump()); } 
+												catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
+													System.out.println("genome invalide");
+													displayFourmi = null;
+												}
+												if(displayFourmi != null)
+													System.out.println("Fourmi chargée");
+											}
+											)
+									).addSubCommand("fromExperience", 
+											new Command(line ->
+											{
+												if(experience.getFourmis().isEmpty())
+												{
+													System.out.println("l'experience n'a pas donné de résultat");
+												}
+												else
+												{
+													int id = Integer.parseInt(line.next());
+													if(experience.tailleSelectionTopFourmi.get() < id && id >= 0)
+													{
+														displayFourmi = experience.getFourmis().get(id);
+														System.out.println("Fourmi chargée");
+													}
+													else
+													{
+														System.out.println("id invalide");
+													}
+												}
+											}
+											)
+									)
+							).addSubCommand("monde", 
+									new Command(line -> InputHandler.parse("display select monde help") )
+									.addSubCommand("help", 
+											new Command(line -> System.out.println("display select fourmi <help/fromFile/fromExperience>") )
+									).addSubCommand("fromFile", 
+											new Command(line ->
+											{
+												int h = Integer.parseInt(line.next());
+												int w = Integer.parseInt(line.next());
+												displayMonde = new Monde(h, w);
+												displayMonde.loadFromFile(line.next());
+											}
+											)
+									).addSubCommand("fromExperience", 
+											new Command(line ->
+												displayMonde = experience.getMonde().clone()
+											)
+									)
+							)
+					).addSubCommand("show", 
+							new Command(line -> InputHandler.parse("display show help") )
+							.addSubCommand("help", 
+									new Command(line -> System.out.println("display show <help/genome/simulation>") )
+							).addSubCommand("genome", 
+									new Command(line -> 
+										startDisplayFourmi()
+									)
+							).addSubCommand("simulation", 
+									new Command(line ->
+										startDisplayMonde()
+									)
+							)
+					).addSubCommand("hide", 
+							new Command(line -> InputHandler.parse("display hide help") )
+							.addSubCommand("help", 
+									new Command(line -> System.out.println("display hide <help/genome/simulation>") )
+							).addSubCommand("genome", 
+									new Command(line ->
+										stopDisplayFourmi()
+									)
+							).addSubCommand("simulation", 
+									new Command(line ->
+										stopDisplayMonde()
+									)
+							)
+					)
+			).addSubCommand("resume", 
+					new Command(line -> 
+					{
+						if(!wasPaused)
+						{
+							System.out.println("Initialization  failed : Aucune oppération n'est en pause");
+							return;
+						}
+						try 
+						{ 
+							experience.resumeFromFile();
+							state = State.RUN;
+							System.out.println("resumed from pause"); 
+						} 
+						catch (InitializationFailException e) 
+						{
+							System.out.println("Initialization  failed : " + e.getMessage()); 
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+					)
+			).addSubCommand("start", 
+					new Command(line -> 
+					{
+						try 
+						{ 
+							experience.initialize();
+							state = State.RUN;
+							System.out.println("begin"); 
+						} 
+						catch (InitializationFailException e) 
+						{
+							System.out.println("Initialization  failed : " + e.getMessage()); 
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+					)
+			).addSubCommand("exit", 
+					new Command(line -> 
+						exit()
+					)
+			).addSubCommand("help", 
+					new Command(line -> System.out.println("<help/config/resume/start/exit/display>") )
+			);
+		}
+		/**
+	     * Commande pour la phase de run
+	     */
+		private static Command RUN_COMMAND() 
+		{
+			return new Command(line -> InputHandler.parse("help") )
+			.addSubCommand("help",
+					new Command(line -> System.out.println("<exit/save/pause>") )	
+			).addSubCommand("exit",
+					new Command(line -> 
+						exit()
+					)	
+			).addSubCommand("save",
+					new Command(line -> 
+					{
+						save();
+						state = State.SETUP;
+					}
+					)	
+			).addSubCommand("pause",
+					new Command(line -> 
+					{
+						pause();
+						state = State.SETUP;
+					}
+					)	
+			);
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/eugenisme/controller/InputHandler.java b/src/eugenisme/controller/InputHandler.java
index 9c7ea72a15d1ecf59ad839fde6864e8d5d12962a..9880b61b0900b4d4b4467114a23eb3570a95257b 100644
--- a/src/eugenisme/controller/InputHandler.java
+++ b/src/eugenisme/controller/InputHandler.java
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class InputHandler {
     public static void parse(String data) {
         for (String cmd : data.split(";")) {
-            Line line = new Line(cmd.split("[ ,\t]"));
+            Line line = new Line(cmd.split("[ \t]"));
             if (!line.isEmpty()) {
                 synchronized (input) {
diff --git a/src/eugenisme/model/SimulationManagerGUI.java b/src/eugenisme/model/SimulationManagerGUI.java
index 900d76983d63bd2d8ae6a2f1de408e40702b1402..753549723f400ca4ed0b36177339aa794c517090 100644
--- a/src/eugenisme/model/SimulationManagerGUI.java
+++ b/src/eugenisme/model/SimulationManagerGUI.java
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public class SimulationManagerGUI implements Runnable {
             try {
             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
+                i = tempsSim;
         // application du score a la fourmi
diff --git a/src/eugenisme/model/ant/Gene.java b/src/eugenisme/model/ant/Gene.java
index 21bf8e578b592b49afd6ce28055cb00384bd7043..cb715b5f44cbdaccf90555c672afa76202e4a0bf 100644
--- a/src/eugenisme/model/ant/Gene.java
+++ b/src/eugenisme/model/ant/Gene.java
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ public class Gene implements Cloneable {
         try {
             _type = GeneType.valueOf(name);
         } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-            System.err.println("String read:(" + name + ")");
+            System.err.println("Invalid GeneType : (" + name + ")");
             throw e;
         // si on a lu un noeud
diff --git a/src/eugenisme/utils/command/Line.java b/src/eugenisme/utils/command/Line.java
index ae42a977b38dbda20fce19c940dc5c1b359b12ac..bbd2f48f25a37c35e04e90c9719e4557e8c2474d 100644
--- a/src/eugenisme/utils/command/Line.java
+++ b/src/eugenisme/utils/command/Line.java
@@ -46,6 +46,19 @@ public class Line {
     public String peek() {
         return line.peek();
+	/**
+	 * Retourne tout le reste de la ligne, apres la fonction la ligne est vide
+	 *
+	 * @return les mots restants separes par un espace
+	 */
+	public String dump()
+	{
+		String ret = "";
+		while(!line.isEmpty())
+			ret += line.poll() + " ";
+		return ret;
+	}
     public boolean hasNext() {
         return !line.isEmpty();
diff --git a/src/eugenisme/view/GUI.java b/src/eugenisme/view/GUI.java
index cd79922fca4c8148e5d44672bb1c6fe69ab343ee..e50f944a0e21533ab1d85839d3130181ddbeae6c 100644
--- a/src/eugenisme/view/GUI.java
+++ b/src/eugenisme/view/GUI.java
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
 package eugenisme.view;
+import java.awt.GridLayout;
+import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
+import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
+import javax.swing.JFrame;
+import javax.swing.JPanel;
+import eugenisme.controller.Eugenisme;
 import eugenisme.model.ant.Fourmi;
 import eugenisme.model.world.Monde;
-import javax.swing.*;
-import java.awt.*;
  * Affiche l'évolution d'une fourmi dans le monde grâce à une fenêtre
@@ -34,6 +39,13 @@ public class GUI {
     public void startUI() {
         frame = new JFrame();
         frame.setSize(100 * monde.getWidth(), 100 * monde.getHeight());
+        frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
+        	public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent) {
+        		frame.setVisible(false);
+        		Eugenisme.stopDisplayMonde();
+        	}
+		});
         panelPrincipal = new JPanel();
         panelPrincipal.setLayout(new GridLayout(monde.getWidth(), monde.getHeight()));
diff --git a/src/eugenisme/view/uigene/UIGene.java b/src/eugenisme/view/uigene/UIGene.java
index 191fbafe691850f444fbbadee140fad3ea9e2669..d2f1089734ccefcce8d6681daf5fec887647001e 100644
--- a/src/eugenisme/view/uigene/UIGene.java
+++ b/src/eugenisme/view/uigene/UIGene.java
@@ -4,16 +4,19 @@ import java.awt.BorderLayout;
 import java.awt.Dimension;
 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
 import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
+import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
+import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import javax.swing.JComboBox;
 import javax.swing.JFrame;
+import eugenisme.controller.Eugenisme;
 import eugenisme.model.Experience;
- * Affiche l'arbre génétique final de la simulation dans une fenêtre
+ * Affiche l'arbre g�n�tique final de la simulation dans une fen�tre
 public class UIGene extends JFrame {
@@ -22,9 +25,9 @@ public class UIGene extends JFrame {
     UIGenePanel panel;
-     * Constructeur de la fenêtre
+     * Constructeur de la fen�tre
-     * @param exp l'expérience actuelle
+     * @param exp l'exp�rience actuelle
     public UIGene(Experience exp) {
         this.exp = exp;
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ public class UIGene extends JFrame {
         List<String> listeFourmis = new ArrayList<String>(); // liste des fourmis
         for (int i = 1; i <= exp.tailleSelectionTopFourmi.get(); i++) {
             listeFourmis.add("Fourmis " + i);
-        }// on sélectionne les meilleures fourmis définies par tailleSelectionTopFourmi
+        }// on s�lectionne les meilleures fourmis d�finies par tailleSelectionTopFourmi
         JComboBox choixFourmis = new JComboBox(); // on met les fourmis dans une combobox
         for (Object o : listeFourmis) {
@@ -51,6 +54,15 @@ public class UIGene extends JFrame {
+        // ref permet de passer la référence dans l'event handler
+        JFrame ref = this;
+        ref.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
+        	public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent) {
+        		ref.setVisible(false);
+        		Eugenisme.stopDisplayFourmi();
+        	}
+		});
     private void addPanel(ActionEvent e, JComboBox<String> choixFourmis) {