title: "Vision, Image and machine learning (partie AM)"
description: "Partie A. Meyer"

## The foundations of Deep Learning for images
  * [Alexandre Meyer](https://perso.liris.cnrs.fr/alexandre.meyer)
  * [L'ancienne page de cette partie](https://perso.liris.cnrs.fr/alexandre.meyer/public_html/www/doku.php?id=image_deeplearning)

![Image alt](images/dl_am.jpg)

### Le Cours

* [CM1](doc/DLIM-CM1_NN.pdf): Introduction to neural networks
* [CM2](doc/DLIM-CM2_CNN.pdf): ConvNN
* [CM3](doc/DLIM-CM3_Vision.pdf): the “modern” vision (Segmentation, Tracking (YOLO), AE, GAN)


-   La vidéo du CM de la 1ère partie : TODO
-   La vidéo du CM de la 2e partie
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/ge7V2C7eVWk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


### Tutorials (TP)
0. [Installation](tp_installation)
1. [A neural network from scratch](tp_nnfromscratch)
2. [Classification](tp_classification) with Pytorch
3. [Style transfer between images](tp_style)
4. [Gesture transfer and person image generation](tp_dance)

* [Old TP: autoencoder and animation](tp_aeanimation)