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  • Alexandre.Meyer/m1if37-animation
  • Alexandre.Meyer/m2-apprentissage-profond-image
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* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Erin Catto
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#ifndef REVOLUTE_H
#define REVOLUTE_H
class Revolute : public Test
b2Body* ground = NULL;
b2BodyDef bd;
ground = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
b2EdgeShape shape;
shape.Set(b2Vec2(-40.0f, 0.0f), b2Vec2(40.0f, 0.0f));
b2FixtureDef fd;
fd.shape = &shape;
//fd.filter.categoryBits = 2;
b2CircleShape shape;
shape.m_radius = 0.5f;
b2BodyDef bd;
bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
b2RevoluteJointDef rjd;
bd.position.Set(-10.0f, 20.0f);
b2Body* body = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
body->CreateFixture(&shape, 5.0f);
float32 w = 100.0f;
body->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(-8.0f * w, 0.0f));
rjd.Initialize(ground, body, b2Vec2(-10.0f, 12.0f));
rjd.motorSpeed = 1.0f * b2_pi;
rjd.maxMotorTorque = 10000.0f;
rjd.enableMotor = false;
rjd.lowerAngle = -0.25f * b2_pi;
rjd.upperAngle = 0.5f * b2_pi;
rjd.enableLimit = true;
rjd.collideConnected = true;
m_joint = (b2RevoluteJoint*)m_world->CreateJoint(&rjd);
b2CircleShape circle_shape;
circle_shape.m_radius = 3.0f;
b2BodyDef circle_bd;
circle_bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
circle_bd.position.Set(5.0f, 30.0f);
b2FixtureDef fd;
fd.density = 5.0f;
fd.filter.maskBits = 1;
fd.shape = &circle_shape;
m_ball = m_world->CreateBody(&circle_bd);
b2PolygonShape polygon_shape;
polygon_shape.SetAsBox(10.0f, 0.2f, b2Vec2 (-10.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f);
b2BodyDef polygon_bd;
polygon_bd.position.Set(20.0f, 10.0f);
polygon_bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
polygon_bd.bullet = true;
b2Body* polygon_body = m_world->CreateBody(&polygon_bd);
polygon_body->CreateFixture(&polygon_shape, 2.0f);
b2RevoluteJointDef rjd;
rjd.Initialize(ground, polygon_body, b2Vec2(20.0f, 10.0f));
rjd.lowerAngle = -0.25f * b2_pi;
rjd.upperAngle = 0.0f * b2_pi;
rjd.enableLimit = true;
// Tests mass computation of a small object far from the origin
b2BodyDef bodyDef;
bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
b2Body* body = m_world->CreateBody(&bodyDef);
b2PolygonShape polyShape;
b2Vec2 verts[3];
verts[0].Set( 17.63f, 36.31f );
verts[1].Set( 17.52f, 36.69f );
verts[2].Set( 17.19f, 36.36f );
polyShape.Set(verts, 3);
b2FixtureDef polyFixtureDef;
polyFixtureDef.shape = &polyShape;
polyFixtureDef.density = 1;
body->CreateFixture(&polyFixtureDef); //assertion hits inside here
void Keyboard(int key)
switch (key)
case GLFW_KEY_L:
case GLFW_KEY_M:
void Step(Settings* settings)
g_debugDraw.DrawString(5, m_textLine, "Keys: (l) limits, (m) motor");
//if (m_stepCount == 360)
// m_ball->SetTransform(b2Vec2(0.0f, 0.5f), 0.0f);
//float32 torque1 = m_joint1->GetMotorTorque();
//g_debugDraw.DrawString(5, m_textLine, "Motor Torque = %4.0f, %4.0f : Motor Force = %4.0f", (float) torque1, (float) torque2, (float) force3);
//m_textLine += DRAW_STRING_NEW_LINE;
static Test* Create()
return new Revolute;
b2Body* m_ball;
b2RevoluteJoint* m_joint;
* Copyright (c) 2011 Erin Catto
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#ifndef ROPE_H
#define ROPE_H
class Rope : public Test
const int32 N = 40;
b2Vec2 vertices[N];
float32 masses[N];
for (int32 i = 0; i < N; ++i)
vertices[i].Set(0.0f, 20.0f - 0.25f * i);
masses[i] = 1.0f;
masses[0] = 0.0f;
masses[1] = 0.0f;
b2RopeDef def;
def.vertices = vertices;
def.count = N;
def.gravity.Set(0.0f, -10.0f);
def.masses = masses;
def.damping = 0.1f;
def.k2 = 1.0f;
def.k3 = 0.5f;
m_angle = 0.0f;
void Keyboard(unsigned char key)
switch (key)
case 'q':
m_angle = b2Max(-b2_pi, m_angle - 0.05f * b2_pi);
case 'e':
m_angle = b2Min(b2_pi, m_angle + 0.05f * b2_pi);
void Step(Settings* settings)
float32 dt = settings->hz > 0.0f ? 1.0f / settings->hz : 0.0f;
if (settings->pause == 1 && settings->singleStep == 0)
dt = 0.0f;
m_rope.Step(dt, 1);
m_debugDraw.DrawString(5, m_textLine, "Press (q,e) to adjust target angle");
m_debugDraw.DrawString(5, m_textLine, "Target angle = %g degrees", m_angle * 180.0f / b2_pi);
static Test* Create()
return new Rope;
b2Rope m_rope;
float32 m_angle;
* Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Erin Catto
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#ifndef ROPE_JOINT_H
#define ROPE_JOINT_H
/// This test shows how a rope joint can be used to stabilize a chain of
/// bodies with a heavy payload. Notice that the rope joint just prevents
/// excessive stretching and has no other effect.
/// By disabling the rope joint you can see that the Box2D solver has trouble
/// supporting heavy bodies with light bodies. Try playing around with the
/// densities, time step, and iterations to see how they affect stability.
/// This test also shows how to use contact filtering. Filtering is configured
/// so that the payload does not collide with the chain.
class RopeJoint : public Test
b2Body* ground = NULL;
b2BodyDef bd;
ground = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
b2EdgeShape shape;
shape.Set(b2Vec2(-40.0f, 0.0f), b2Vec2(40.0f, 0.0f));
ground->CreateFixture(&shape, 0.0f);
b2PolygonShape shape;
shape.SetAsBox(0.5f, 0.125f);
b2FixtureDef fd;
fd.shape = &shape;
fd.density = 20.0f;
fd.friction = 0.2f;
fd.filter.categoryBits = 0x0001;
fd.filter.maskBits = 0xFFFF & ~0x0002;
b2RevoluteJointDef jd;
jd.collideConnected = false;
const int32 N = 10;
const float32 y = 15.0f;
m_ropeDef.localAnchorA.Set(0.0f, y);
b2Body* prevBody = ground;
for (int32 i = 0; i < N; ++i)
b2BodyDef bd;
bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
bd.position.Set(0.5f + 1.0f * i, y);
if (i == N - 1)
shape.SetAsBox(1.5f, 1.5f);
fd.density = 100.0f;
fd.filter.categoryBits = 0x0002;
bd.position.Set(1.0f * i, y);
bd.angularDamping = 0.4f;
b2Body* body = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
b2Vec2 anchor(float32(i), y);
jd.Initialize(prevBody, body, anchor);
prevBody = body;
float32 extraLength = 0.01f;
m_ropeDef.maxLength = N - 1.0f + extraLength;
m_ropeDef.bodyB = prevBody;
m_ropeDef.bodyA = ground;
m_rope = m_world->CreateJoint(&m_ropeDef);
void Keyboard(int key)
switch (key)
case GLFW_KEY_J:
if (m_rope)
m_rope = NULL;
m_rope = m_world->CreateJoint(&m_ropeDef);
void Step(Settings* settings)
g_debugDraw.DrawString(5, m_textLine, "Press (j) to toggle the rope joint.");
if (m_rope)
g_debugDraw.DrawString(5, m_textLine, "Rope ON");
g_debugDraw.DrawString(5, m_textLine, "Rope OFF");
static Test* Create()
return new RopeJoint;
b2RopeJointDef m_ropeDef;
b2Joint* m_rope;
* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Erin Catto
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
// This is used to test sensor shapes.
class SensorTest : public Test
e_count = 7
b2BodyDef bd;
b2Body* ground = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
b2EdgeShape shape;
shape.Set(b2Vec2(-40.0f, 0.0f), b2Vec2(40.0f, 0.0f));
ground->CreateFixture(&shape, 0.0f);
#if 0
b2FixtureDef sd;
sd.SetAsBox(10.0f, 2.0f, b2Vec2(0.0f, 20.0f), 0.0f);
sd.isSensor = true;
m_sensor = ground->CreateFixture(&sd);
b2CircleShape shape;
shape.m_radius = 5.0f;
shape.m_p.Set(0.0f, 10.0f);
b2FixtureDef fd;
fd.shape = &shape;
fd.isSensor = true;
m_sensor = ground->CreateFixture(&fd);
b2CircleShape shape;
shape.m_radius = 1.0f;
for (int32 i = 0; i < e_count; ++i)
b2BodyDef bd;
bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
bd.position.Set(-10.0f + 3.0f * i, 20.0f);
bd.userData = m_touching + i;
m_touching[i] = false;
m_bodies[i] = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
m_bodies[i]->CreateFixture(&shape, 1.0f);
// Implement contact listener.
void BeginContact(b2Contact* contact)
b2Fixture* fixtureA = contact->GetFixtureA();
b2Fixture* fixtureB = contact->GetFixtureB();
if (fixtureA == m_sensor)
void* userData = fixtureB->GetBody()->GetUserData();
if (userData)
bool* touching = (bool*)userData;
*touching = true;
if (fixtureB == m_sensor)
void* userData = fixtureA->GetBody()->GetUserData();
if (userData)
bool* touching = (bool*)userData;
*touching = true;
// Implement contact listener.
void EndContact(b2Contact* contact)
b2Fixture* fixtureA = contact->GetFixtureA();
b2Fixture* fixtureB = contact->GetFixtureB();
if (fixtureA == m_sensor)
void* userData = fixtureB->GetBody()->GetUserData();
if (userData)
bool* touching = (bool*)userData;
*touching = false;
if (fixtureB == m_sensor)
void* userData = fixtureA->GetBody()->GetUserData();
if (userData)
bool* touching = (bool*)userData;
*touching = false;
void Step(Settings* settings)
// Traverse the contact results. Apply a force on shapes
// that overlap the sensor.
for (int32 i = 0; i < e_count; ++i)
if (m_touching[i] == false)
b2Body* body = m_bodies[i];
b2Body* ground = m_sensor->GetBody();
b2CircleShape* circle = (b2CircleShape*)m_sensor->GetShape();
b2Vec2 center = ground->GetWorldPoint(circle->m_p);
b2Vec2 position = body->GetPosition();
b2Vec2 d = center - position;
if (d.LengthSquared() < FLT_EPSILON * FLT_EPSILON)
b2Vec2 F = 100.0f * d;
body->ApplyForce(F, position, false);
static Test* Create()
return new SensorTest;
b2Fixture* m_sensor;
b2Body* m_bodies[e_count];
bool m_touching[e_count];
* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Erin Catto
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
class ShapeEditing : public Test
b2BodyDef bd;
b2Body* ground = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
b2EdgeShape shape;
shape.Set(b2Vec2(-40.0f, 0.0f), b2Vec2(40.0f, 0.0f));
ground->CreateFixture(&shape, 0.0f);
b2BodyDef bd;
bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
bd.position.Set(0.0f, 10.0f);
m_body = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
b2PolygonShape shape;
shape.SetAsBox(4.0f, 4.0f, b2Vec2(0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f);
m_fixture1 = m_body->CreateFixture(&shape, 10.0f);
m_fixture2 = NULL;
m_sensor = false;
void Keyboard(int key)
switch (key)
case GLFW_KEY_C:
if (m_fixture2 == NULL)
b2CircleShape shape;
shape.m_radius = 3.0f;
shape.m_p.Set(0.5f, -4.0f);
m_fixture2 = m_body->CreateFixture(&shape, 10.0f);
case GLFW_KEY_D:
if (m_fixture2 != NULL)
m_fixture2 = NULL;
case GLFW_KEY_S:
if (m_fixture2 != NULL)
m_sensor = !m_sensor;
void Step(Settings* settings)
g_debugDraw.DrawString(5, m_textLine, "Press: (c) create a shape, (d) destroy a shape.");
g_debugDraw.DrawString(5, m_textLine, "sensor = %d", m_sensor);
static Test* Create()
return new ShapeEditing;
b2Body* m_body;
b2Fixture* m_fixture1;
b2Fixture* m_fixture2;
bool m_sensor;
Test case for collision/jerking issue.
#ifndef SKIER_H
#define SKIER_H
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
class Skier : public Test
b2Body* ground = NULL;
b2BodyDef bd;
ground = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
float const PlatformWidth = 8.0f;
First angle is from the horizontal and should be negative for a downward slope.
Second angle is relative to the preceding slope, and should be positive, creating a kind of
loose 'Z'-shape from the 3 edges.
If A1 = -10, then A2 <= ~1.5 will result in the collision glitch.
If A1 = -30, then A2 <= ~10.0 will result in the glitch.
float const Angle1Degrees = -30.0f;
float const Angle2Degrees = 10.0f;
The larger the value of SlopeLength, the less likely the glitch will show up.
float const SlopeLength = 2.0f;
float const SurfaceFriction = 0.2f;
// Convert to radians
float const Slope1Incline = -Angle1Degrees * b2_pi / 180.0f;
float const Slope2Incline = Slope1Incline - Angle2Degrees * b2_pi / 180.0f;
m_platform_width = PlatformWidth;
std::vector< b2Vec2 > verts;
// Horizontal platform
verts.emplace_back(-PlatformWidth, 0.0f);
verts.emplace_back(0.0f, 0.0f);
// Slope
verts.back().x + SlopeLength * cosf(Slope1Incline),
verts.back().y - SlopeLength * sinf(Slope1Incline)
verts.back().x + SlopeLength * cosf(Slope2Incline),
verts.back().y - SlopeLength * sinf(Slope2Incline)
b2EdgeShape shape;
shape.Set(verts[0], verts[1]);
shape.m_hasVertex3 = true;
shape.m_vertex3 = verts[2];
b2FixtureDef fd;
fd.shape = &shape;
fd.density = 0.0f;
fd.friction = SurfaceFriction;
b2EdgeShape shape;
shape.Set(verts[1], verts[2]);
shape.m_hasVertex0 = true;
shape.m_hasVertex3 = true;
shape.m_vertex0 = verts[0];
shape.m_vertex3 = verts[3];
b2FixtureDef fd;
fd.shape = &shape;
fd.density = 0.0f;
fd.friction = SurfaceFriction;
b2EdgeShape shape;
shape.Set(verts[2], verts[3]);
shape.m_hasVertex0 = true;
shape.m_vertex0 = verts[1];
b2FixtureDef fd;
fd.shape = &shape;
fd.density = 0.0f;
fd.friction = SurfaceFriction;
bool const EnableCircularSkiTips = false;
float const BodyWidth = 1.0f;
float const BodyHeight = 2.5f;
float const SkiLength = 3.0f;
Larger values for this seem to alleviate the issue to some extent.
float const SkiThickness = 0.3f;
float const SkiFriction = 0.0f;
float const SkiRestitution = 0.15f;
b2BodyDef bd;
bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
float initial_y = BodyHeight / 2 + SkiThickness;
initial_y += SkiThickness / 6;
bd.position.Set(-m_platform_width / 2, initial_y);
b2Body* skier = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
b2PolygonShape body;
body.SetAsBox(BodyWidth / 2, BodyHeight / 2);
b2PolygonShape ski;
std::vector< b2Vec2 > verts;
verts.emplace_back(-SkiLength / 2 - SkiThickness, -BodyHeight / 2);
verts.emplace_back(-SkiLength / 2, -BodyHeight / 2 - SkiThickness);
verts.emplace_back(SkiLength / 2, -BodyHeight / 2 - SkiThickness);
verts.emplace_back(SkiLength / 2 + SkiThickness, -BodyHeight / 2);
ski.Set(, (int32)verts.size());
b2CircleShape ski_back_shape;
ski_back_shape.m_p.Set(-SkiLength / 2.0f, -BodyHeight / 2 - SkiThickness * (2.0f / 3));
ski_back_shape.m_radius = SkiThickness / 2;
b2CircleShape ski_front_shape;
ski_front_shape.m_p.Set(SkiLength / 2, -BodyHeight / 2 - SkiThickness * (2.0f / 3));
ski_front_shape.m_radius = SkiThickness / 2;
b2FixtureDef fd;
fd.shape = &body;
fd.density = 1.0f;
fd.friction = SkiFriction;
fd.restitution = SkiRestitution;
fd.shape = &ski;
fd.shape = &ski_back_shape;
fd.shape = &ski_front_shape;
skier->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(0.5f, 0.0f));
m_skier = skier;
g_camera.m_center = b2Vec2(m_platform_width / 2.0f, 0.0f);
g_camera.m_zoom = 0.4f;
m_fixed_camera = true;
void Keyboard(int key)
switch (key)
case GLFW_KEY_C:
m_fixed_camera = !m_fixed_camera;
g_camera.m_center = b2Vec2(m_platform_width / 2.0f, 0.0f);
void Step(Settings* settings)
g_debugDraw.DrawString(5, m_textLine, "Keys: c = Camera fixed/tracking");
g_camera.m_center = m_skier->GetPosition();
static Test* Create()
return new Skier;
b2Body* m_skier;
float m_platform_width;
bool m_fixed_camera;
* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Erin Catto
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
// A motor driven slider crank with joint friction.
class SliderCrank : public Test
b2Body* ground = NULL;
b2BodyDef bd;
ground = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
b2EdgeShape shape;
shape.Set(b2Vec2(-40.0f, 0.0f), b2Vec2(40.0f, 0.0f));
ground->CreateFixture(&shape, 0.0f);
b2Body* prevBody = ground;
// Define crank.
b2PolygonShape shape;
shape.SetAsBox(0.5f, 2.0f);
b2BodyDef bd;
bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
bd.position.Set(0.0f, 7.0f);
b2Body* body = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
body->CreateFixture(&shape, 2.0f);
b2RevoluteJointDef rjd;
rjd.Initialize(prevBody, body, b2Vec2(0.0f, 5.0f));
rjd.motorSpeed = 1.0f * b2_pi;
rjd.maxMotorTorque = 10000.0f;
rjd.enableMotor = true;
m_joint1 = (b2RevoluteJoint*)m_world->CreateJoint(&rjd);
prevBody = body;
// Define follower.
b2PolygonShape shape;
shape.SetAsBox(0.5f, 4.0f);
b2BodyDef bd;
bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
bd.position.Set(0.0f, 13.0f);
b2Body* body = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
body->CreateFixture(&shape, 2.0f);
b2RevoluteJointDef rjd;
rjd.Initialize(prevBody, body, b2Vec2(0.0f, 9.0f));
rjd.enableMotor = false;
prevBody = body;
// Define piston
b2PolygonShape shape;
shape.SetAsBox(1.5f, 1.5f);
b2BodyDef bd;
bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
bd.fixedRotation = true;
bd.position.Set(0.0f, 17.0f);
b2Body* body = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
body->CreateFixture(&shape, 2.0f);
b2RevoluteJointDef rjd;
rjd.Initialize(prevBody, body, b2Vec2(0.0f, 17.0f));
b2PrismaticJointDef pjd;
pjd.Initialize(ground, body, b2Vec2(0.0f, 17.0f), b2Vec2(0.0f, 1.0f));
pjd.maxMotorForce = 1000.0f;
pjd.enableMotor = true;
m_joint2 = (b2PrismaticJoint*)m_world->CreateJoint(&pjd);
// Create a payload
b2PolygonShape shape;
shape.SetAsBox(1.5f, 1.5f);
b2BodyDef bd;
bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
bd.position.Set(0.0f, 23.0f);
b2Body* body = m_world->CreateBody(&bd);
body->CreateFixture(&shape, 2.0f);
void Keyboard(int key)
switch (key)
case GLFW_KEY_F:
case GLFW_KEY_M:
void Step(Settings* settings)
g_debugDraw.DrawString(5, m_textLine, "Keys: (f) toggle friction, (m) toggle motor");
float32 torque = m_joint1->GetMotorTorque(settings->hz);
g_debugDraw.DrawString(5, m_textLine, "Motor Torque = %5.0f", (float) torque);
static Test* Create()
return new SliderCrank;
b2RevoluteJoint* m_joint1;
b2PrismaticJoint* m_joint2;